APRIL 19 - 21

Dear Parents,

As most of you know, we will be having our traditional VOL Cajun Fest the weekend of April 19-21.  This fair contains food booths, game booths, and musical entertainment all weekend for some family fun!  This year Pre K-2 and Pre K-3 are chairing the Jail Booth.  We are asking for volunteers to help work the booth in 2 hour increments.  There must be 2 adults signed up per time slot.   Sign-Up genius link coming later!

Our Pre K-2 class will be performing on stage in the gym on a date to be determined later.

Please make sure your child is in the Pre K-2 classroom no later than ______.  Every child must wear their Pre K-2 uniform shirt with black pants/shorts.

   Thank you for your continued support of Visitation!