Classroom Climate

This year, we will be using the Responsive Classroom as a Kindergarten grade level behavior plan.  This consists of a set of practices that build on academic and social-emotional skills.  This is an evidence-based education approach that is associated with greater teacher effectiveness, higher student achievement, and improved school climate. 

We will use a positive reinforcement and try to maintain an atmosphere conducive for learning. If misbehavior occurs, we will use a wide variety of strategies to respond to misbehavior, including visual and verbal cues, increased teacher proximity, reminding and redirecting language and logical consequences. Our class will also use a spot that we will refer to as the  "Cool Down Area."  Students who are beginning to go off track with their behavior will be asked to go sit in this spot for a few minutes until they are ready to return.  This spot is not a punishment and the goal is that students will reflect on their choices and return to the group ready to work. While students are in this spot, they will have several tools to help them reflect on their behavior, regulate their emotions, and simply regroup. If the "Cool Down Area" does not calm the child, or help fix the behavior, then another approach may be warranted. 

At the end of each day, we will let you know on the calendar in their folder if there were any problems to help you keep track of their behavior.

If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. 

                       Inspiring Catholic Faith and Principles While Encouraging Academic Excellence