Fish Iowa!

Our 3rd-5th Grade are learning 3 types of cast to score for the Fish Iowa! games. The Fish Iowa! games are sponsored by the Iowa DNR. More information on the games can be found at:

Competition Casts:

Flip (10 feet from the target)

Underhand, pendulum-type cast. Reel engaged prior to cast the length of the rod.

Pitch (20 feet from the target)

Underhand, pendulum-type cast. Length of the string prior to cast is 2-3 feet, hold the thumb stop down, swing the lure and disengage to pull the line off the reel as you cast.

Overhand Cast (30 feet from target)

Reel is tight to start with the weight above your head, hold the thumb stop and let it go as you cast.

Click on the file below to read about the winners from 3rd-5th grade winners for the 2015-16 school year.

To continue the Fish Iowa program the high school FFA program assisted the 5th grade class on how to tie knots, species of fish in Iowa, and how to get your fishing license. The FFA took the 5th grade class to Arrowhead park on Thursday, April 28th to have the opportunity to do some live fishing. We will post some pictures soon.