Tips for Success

Regents Biology is a demanding course which requires effort and perseverance. The following is a list of recommendations to help you to do your best in this course.

1. Come to class (and be on time and attentive!) A great deal of work is done each day. You cannot afford to miss class, especially labs. Try not to schedule appointments during biology. Pay attention and do not use your phone, do other work, or socialize too much during class.

2. Keep up with your labs and your assignments Do your work as it is assigned. Do not let it build up. Answer lab questions and write your conclusions right after you do the lab. Place labs into your biology binder or folder promptly to prevent losing them. All finished labs will be stored by your teacher.

3. Stay organized and bring materials to class Organization is a key component of success. Keep your handouts and notes organized in a three ring binder that is just for biology. Bring your binder and handouts, pen, pencil, and calculator to class each day.

4. Use effective study strategies The following are some suggestions for increasing the quality of your studying.

· Study in small quantities over time

Quiz yourself (using your notes as the source of information) daily even when you do not have a test or quiz the next day. Information will get into your long term memory and you will learn much better. You will not have to try to learn everything in one night. Cramming is the worst way to study.

· Be active when studying

Studying is not a passive process. You cannot just “go over your notes” and expect to know the information. You must take charge and work with the subject. Make flash cards, study with a friend, ask a parent or sibling to “quiz” you, make charts, graphs, concept maps, draw pictures and try to label parts, color the diagrams in your notes, reorganize your notes, write questions and then test yourself, do practice Regents questions….Be active!!!

· Use all of your senses

You will understand and remember the subject better if you use all of your senses when studying. Talk aloud while studying, try to visualize processes in your mind – make a mental picture, underline key points, write the definitions and make drawings…..

· Ask questions

The best students are those who are able to identify the things that they do not understand and ask questions. Write down things that you do not understand when you are doing your homework or studying. I would prefer that you ask questions during class time so other students can benefit from your questions. However, feel free to talk to me before or after class, or make an appointment to work with me during a free period.