Explain Everything

What is Explain Everything?

  • Explain Everything is an iPad app that allows you to write and record audio to create a presentation. You can insert pictures if needed also.

What you need:

  • an iPad with the Explain Everything app installed ($2.99 to purchase app)

  • You can borrow an iPad from Ms. Dowd

Before you begin:

  • Watch this example of an instructional video created by Mr. Raymaakers.

  • Plan your presentation.

  • Do you need to prepare text before you begin recording?

  • Do you need to import images before you begin recording?

  • Write out your script.

  • Think about what you want your audience to learn by the end of your video. Are you clearly communicating this to your audience?

What to do:

  1. Record your presentation

  2. Set up your YouTube account using a computer - instructions

  3. Upload your video to YouTube as an UNLISTED video - see instructions below

  4. Embed your video and put other required information in your ePortfolio - instructions

How to use Explain Everything and upload your result to YouTube

Find the Explain Everything app.

Click New Project and then Blank Project to start a new project.

This is the workspace of Explain Everything with explanations of the tools. To record your audio, click the round, red record button at the bottom.

When you are happy with your recording, export your movie to YouTube by clicking the camera icon on the lower right. Then choose "Movie to YouTube".

Log in to your SAS YouTube account. (This step will only work if you have already set up your SAS YouTube account using the steps here.)

Add information about your presentation including movie name, description, and category. Choose UNLISTED. Click Publish in the upper right.

Wait while your video is compressed and uploaded.

If you want, you can send yourself the url via email. Or you can get the url later by logging in to your YouTube account.

If this iPad is not yours, make sure to log out of YouTube. Click the Home icon in the lower right. Then click Preferences in the upper right. Now change YouTube slider from On to Off.