Make a Donation

Make a Donation

General Donations

Donations of any amount will help us save these pets: $5, $10, $25, $50, or more. And since we are an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, you can be assured that 100% of your tax-deductible contribution will directly affect the well-being of these otherwise abandoned animals.  

You should see a Paypal button below; if not, please contact us at

If you are using the Paypal button to donate for a specific purpose, please be sure to note that when donating.  Thank you!

Become a "Guardian Angel"

RCHS offers safety and care not only to the young and perfectly formed, but also to animals whose lives have been impacted by disease, injury, abuse and circumstance such that they may never find homes of their own.  Some of the dogs we shelter will require long-term temperament training and time to recover from past abuse or abandonment. And there are dogs and cats being lovingly cared for in RCHS foster homes who have medical needs that few adopters are able to take on.

To help support these animals we invite you to consider an annual or monthly sponsorship for the extra veterinary care, special accommodations, medicine, food, etc. that a special cat or dog will need to live comfortably.

Any level of sponsorship is welcome. A sponsorship donation of $20 a month helps to support basic expenses such as food, and routine medical care. You can also donate additional dollars to cover other expenses such as veterinary exams, blood work, surgeries and dental work that can add up to hundreds of dollars.

The "Guardian Angel" program is a wonderful, personal way to truly help these precious animals while RCHS keeps them safe and loved until they find their "forever homes" or cross the rainbow bridge.

Your Support Changes Lives

With financial assistance from members of our community, and through the selfless efforts of many volunteers, RCHS saves the lives of hundreds of animals every year!

Without support from the community, we would not have been able to save these abandoned cats and dogs. RCHS continues its rescue work by accepting owner-surrendered pets, as well as hundreds of animals transferred from area shelters each year...animals who would otherwise be euthanized.

Most often, these animals come to us with even a minimal level of veterinary care having been disregarded. They need thorough veterinary exams, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, and in some cases, emergency medical intervention. As you would expect, the average expense for each animal's care well exceeds the standard adoption fees.


Other Ways To Give

If you would prefer to mail donations vis the USPS:

Riley County Humane Society

P.O. Box 1202

Manhattan, KS 66505

If you would like to donate but do not wish to use any of the methods above please contact to make other arrangements.


You can also donate items from our Wish List.