
Term 2 homework:



Feb 10th-14

3D shape link

3D game

February 3rd

January 27th

This week's homework is to review assessment folders and complete 2 stars and a wish!! Two things I am good at and one thing I need to work on in both Math and Language. We have conferenced orally about our learning goals as a class and individually. This will be the first time we have written our learning goals to bump up our work! I will conference with your child next week to add to their learning goals (2 stars and a wish). Please return assessment folders with all materials by Wednesday. This portfolio will be going home at the end of the year and sent home regularly! It is amazing how much the students have improved since our interview (progress report). I am so proud of all their accomplishments.

Tomorrow I will be sending home science homework "Mixing it up" that is due on Monday.

Jan. 13th

September 23

Nov. 4th-8th

Oct. 21-25

Sept. 30th to Oct 4th

September 3oth (2nd link copy)

Oct. 7-11

Nov. 12th-15th



Jan6th docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfU_kGYNNif6ABAZtwOKYzABwWA75xc9tiMGF8q32xGONXMuA/viewform?usp=sf_link

The grade two children will have online homework that will be posted on this website and through email. Please let me know if you can not access it.

All children should be reading nightly for 15 minutes. I have provided a resource to use with Raz-kids or children can read a book from home. I will provide a reading response sheet for books that are not from Raz-kids program.

The date is your link to the homework. Click on it and it should reveal the google form.