Class Expectations

“Be” smart and follow these

1. Be aware of all school rules

a. Phone, earrings, dress code, food/drink, etc.

2. Be on time

a. In the room, materials ready, ATB

b. Move early (bathroom, pencil, tissue, etc.)

c. Remain seated bell to bell

3. Be respectful

a. Have pride in the school (building, materials, classmates, others)

b. Raise your hand and follow directions the first time.

4. Be responsible

a. The book is yours and “I don’t know” is not an answer.


c. “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”

–John Wooden

i. Assignments are due that moment class starts, points will be deducted.

ii. Partial credit is offered for "most" late assignments.

5. “B”athroom

a. Twice is possible, three times is a habit. Don’t make it a habit! (Agenda and sign out)

A repeat or serious/blatant violation of any infraction will lead to disciplinary action. Punishments will progress with continued failure to comply with expectations.