Expressive Language

What Causes Trouble With Spoken Language

While there are two main conditions that make it hard for kids to express themselves verbally, other issues can create problems with conversation. And kids can have more than one. Here are the most common causes of trouble with spoken language:

  • Expressive language disorder: This condition, also known as developmental expressive aphasia, makes it hard to put thoughts and feelings into words. Kids who have it are often late to talk and don’t “catch up” on their own. Kids with expressive language disorder often have a limited vocabulary. They may leave out key words from sentences and mix up tenses. They’re also at risk for other learning and attention issues, including dyslexia, ADHD and auditory processing disorder. It can be difficult to figure out which conditions cause which symptoms, since symptoms might overlap; ADHD and auditory processing disorder, for instance, may cause expressive language difficulties.
  • Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder: Children with mixed receptive-expressive language disorder may show some of the symptoms of expressive language disorder, as well as difficulty with understanding what others say (receptive language). They may have trouble putting their thoughts into words. They often have difficulty understanding verbal directions or longer sentences. They may have trouble understanding basic vocabulary and may not understand stories that are read to them. They’re at risk for reading comprehension difficulties, too.
  • Social communication disorder (SCD): This is a newly defined condition that has gone by other names in the past. They include pragmatic language impairment and semantic pragmatic disorder. SCD makes it hard for kids to make appropriate conversation. They may interrupt often and speak too much or too little. They may also say things that seem rude because they have trouble understanding the rules of social interaction. And they are at risk for ADHD and reading comprehension issues.
  • Auditory processing disorder (APD): This condition mainly affects how kids take in spoken language rather than how they use it. But it still impacts conversation. Kids with APD have trouble recognizing the different sounds in words. They may frequently ask speakers to repeat themselves. They also may not speak clearly, dropping word endings and certain syllables. Kids with this disorder are at risk for reading issues, including dyslexia.

How You Can Get Answers

Knowing why your child has trouble with spoken language is the key to finding the best help. It may take time, but the following steps can help you get to the bottom of what’s causing your child’s challenges.

  • Talk to your child’s teacher. You know what you see at home. But the teacher can tell you how your child’s issues with spoken language are affecting his learning and socializing. That information will be helpful if you talk to doctors or specialists about your concerns. The teacher may also be willing to try informal strategies to help your child in the classroom.
  • Look into an educational evaluation. You or your child’s teacher can request that the school evaluate your child for learning and attention issues. If the school agrees to test your child, you won’t have to pay for it. Depending on the results, your child may be eligible for services and supports. The school will commit to providing that help in writing, through a 504 plan or IEP.
  • Talk to your child’s doctor.This is a great place to start figuring out what’s behind your child’s issues. The doctor may be able to rule out a medical reason, such as a hearing problem. You may also be referred to a specialist for further evaluation.
  • Consult with specialists. The person who can evaluate your child for trouble with language is a speech-language pathologist (also called a speech therapist). If you see the specialist outside of school, you will have to pay for it. But you may be able to get a free or low-cost evaluation at a local university that trains pathologists. If your child is under age 3, you also can contact your state’s early intervention system and request an evaluation free of charge. No referral is needed.

What You Can Do Now

You don’t need a diagnosis to start helping your child and find sources of support for both of you. Here are things you can do right away:

  • Learn as much as you can. Understanding your child’s trouble with spoken language can help you find the best ways to help, both at home and at school. It can also help you be more patient and supportive when your child is having a hard time communicating.
  • Observe and take notes. By observing your child, you may see patterns in his behavior and his trouble with language. Once you know the triggers, it’s easier to find strategies that will help.
  • See it through your child’s eyes. Unless you also have trouble with spoken language, it’s hard to imagine what your child is going through. Take a moment to see what it looks and feels like from your child’s point of view. Share this with other family members as well.
  • Talk and listen. Keep talking even if it’s hard for your child to make conversation. The topic doesn’t matter. Describe what you’re seeing out the car window or tell about something that happened at work. Give your child plenty of opportunity to respond, and pay attention to what he says.
  • Team up at home. Try to involve your child in everyday tasks, and talk him through the instructions. If you’re going to bake cookies together, for instance, have your child help. Tell him what ingredients are needed and discuss what he needs to do, step by step. Then have your child instruct another family member on how he did it.
  • Try different strategies. There are things you can do at home to help your child build language skills. You may also want check out Parenting Coach. Get suggestions for helping your child with things like poor self-esteem and anxiety problems.
  • Connect with other parents. One source of support is other parents who know what you’re going through and can share tips and information. can help you find parents whose kids also struggle with spoken language.
  • The issues that cause trouble with spoken language don’t go away over time. But you can help your child improve his language skills and work on key social skills. Just knowing you understand and support him can be a big confidence-booster.

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10 Ways to Build Your Child’s Vocabulary

How to Improve Your Child’s Expressive Language at Any Age

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Building Your Child's Vocabulary

Helping Your Child Build a Strong Vocabulary

To succeed in school and beyond, children need to build a robust vocabulary. Kids learn a lot from the adults in their lives and there are many ways you can help your child learn new words. We reached out to Parent Toolkit expert and University of Michigan Education Professor Nell Duke for some tips you can use at home to expand your child’s vocabulary.

“Goldilocks Principle”

Try not to overdo it. Professor Nell Duke recommends applying the “Goldilocks Principle” when trying to teach your child new words: not too many words at one time and not too few. A rule of thumb is to choose five unfamiliar new words for your child to learn each week. See how often everyone in the family can use those words in everyday conversation.

Multiple Exposure

Typically, a child needs to hear a new word 4 to 12 times before it is added to his vocabulary. When you introduce your child to a new word, try to keep a mental note of it and work to use it again in your conversations with your child. It is also important to use the word in a variety of different contexts, wherever it applies. Don’t be afraid to throw in a word that you had focused on previously as well. Repeated exposure is one of the best ways to master new vocabulary words.

RELATED: Check out our academic growth charts to see if your child is on track to college and career readiness.

Not Black or White

Many people see learning new vocabulary as a very black or white issue; either you know the word or you don’t. However, expanding one’s vocabulary really exists on a sliding scale. There are words that you have heard before but you don’t actually know the definition. There are words that you understand when other people say them but you would never use yourself in daily conversation. Then there are words that you regularly use in the course of your daily life. Kids go through this as well as they develop their vocabulary. Try not to restrict yourself to only using words that your child knows, and don’t stress if your child doesn’t use the same word you do to refer to an object or item. For example, instead of calling a helmet a “helmet,” your child may call it a “hat.” After a while, though, she will begin to understand the subtle difference between the two and start referring to it as a “helmet.”

Make Words Concrete

As you are teaching your child new words, it is important to help visualize them. For nouns, show your child a picture of it by searching online, or showing a picture in a book or magazine. If it is an adjective, find things that can be described using the word. For example, if you come across “scratchy,” point out the scratchiness of sand paper or a man’s chin. With verbs, try acting out the word with your child. Children love moving around as you explore the words “prance” or “prowl.”

See It, Say It, Write It

In order for your child to actually learn a new vocabulary word, he needs to be able to read it, say it, and write it. If your child comes across a word in a book and asks you how to pronounce it, encourage him to repeat the word out loud after you say it. Similarly, if your child hears a new word in the course of conversation that is unfamiliar, spell the word out for him and have him write it down on a piece of paper so that he can see the word.

Read Daily

Books are the number one way to expose kids to a richer vocabulary. As often as possible, read books with your child. When she comes to a word that she doesn’t know, give your child a quick kid-friendly definition and continue reading. It’s important not to have a big pause about the fact that she didn’t know the word. When you finish reading the story, go back to the word again and ask her if she remembers how to say it.

Ditch the Dictionary

Despite popular belief, dictionaries aren’t that great at helping kids with vocab since some definitions include words that may be unfamiliar to your child. Professor Duke recommends taking the time to figure out the definition with your child by using context clues, or the other words around it. Short on time? Give your child a kid-friendly version of the same word instead of having them look it up in the dictionary.

Show How You Learn New Words

When you come across a word that you don’t know, point it out to your child. Describe to him how you were able to determine its meaning by using context clues. By explaining this process out loud, you will help show your child what he can do when he comes across an unfamiliar word. Highlight the fact that you still learn new words as well.

New Words Are Everywhere

Help your child build her vocabulary by taking her to new places and exposing her to different ideas. Visit your local zoo or the nearest museum and have your child describe the various animals and exhibits that she sees. Take your child along with you as you run off to the bank, the grocery store, or the post office, and see what new words you can discover.

Words with Multiple Meanings

Kids are often challenged by words that have multiple meanings. English is full of these types of words, such as “days” and “daze.” It is important for parents to be aware that kids will need help in this area. In fact, you might think that a child understands a joke that relies on word play because of their laughter, but actually most children aren’t able to understand these types of riddles until at least the third grade. To help your child understand the different uses for the same word, ask him to explain the word’s meaning. For example, if he uses the word “bat,” ask if he meant the dark creature that flies at night or the wooden stick used in baseball.