Buildings and Ground Maintenance



The Board of Education is charged with the care and keeping of all property provided to the district by the public. Research shows that the condition of the district's facilities has an impact on both teaching and learning. Well-maintained facilities improve student achievement, and inadequately maintained facilities have a negative impact on student achievement and staff and student morale. Based on its recognition that student achievement is the top priority in the New Franklin R-I School District, the Board directs the superintendent or designee to implement a program  of preventive maintenance to protect and improve the district's facilities.  

The program will include:



The superintendent and the administrative staff will ensure that all professional and support staff know and follow the proper procedures for the maintenance of school property. Failure of any employee to implement procedures as directed will result in discipline.

Pursuant to state law, the superintendent will direct those responsible for the maintenance of the district's grounds to implement procedures to prevent any noxious weeds located on district property from going to seed. All control methods used will be consistent with any integrated pest management procedures used by the district.

Annual  budget  recommendations by  the  superintendent  shall  include  adequate  allocations  for maintenance of district facilities.



Adopted :     Feb. 20, 2008

Revised:       Feb. 15, 2012

Cross Refs:  DB, Annual Budget

FB, Facilities Planning

FFA, Memorials on Facilities and Grounds KH, Public Gifts to the School

MSIP Refs:      6.5, 8.10

Legal Refs:        ' ' 161.365, 177.011 - .031, 263.190, RSMo.

New Franklin R-I School District, New Franklin, Missouri