The Seatbased Program runs full-day classes for students in grades 9-12 in order to address the diverse needs of our population. The Minnesota Valley Area Learning Center (MVALC) offers a variety of curriculum delivery systems as well as flexible schedules designed to accommodate learning styles and living situations. Learners advance according to overall performance on a continuum that goes from a very structured point system on to a self directed program for those who have clear goals for their future and have mastered task management skills. All of the academic and class work at the MVALC is focused on mastery of Minnesota Graduation Standards.

Students are provided direct instruction by a licensed teacher who is teaching courses in their licensed subject area (such as the social studies teacher who teaches World History one period and American Government a different period). Students attend classes on a regular basis and complete all course requirements in order to receive credit in the specific course.

The MVALC provides the opportunity for these students to earn credit toward a regular high school diploma as well as complete all required testing as described in the State Graduation Rule. We use modern technology in all phases of instruction.

The MVALC emphasizes the transition from School To Work through intensive career investigation, job training, community-based learning as well as on-the-job learning opportunities which may also include field trips to local university and technical colleges. All students are required to attend these field trips because it is part of our curriculum and students receive credit for their attendance.

The MVALC has been selected to participate in the RAMP-UP to Readiness Program sponsored by the University of Minnesota.

Ramp-Up to Readiness is a school-wide guidance program designed to increase the number and diversity of students who graduate from high school with the knowledge, skills, and habits necessary for success in a high-quality college program.

Through participation in Ramp Up to Readiness, students in grades 6-12 progress toward readiness in five areas: Academic, Admissions, Career, Financial, and Personal and Social Readiness, areas that are critical to helping kids to… make the transition from high school to career.

Students build their educational plans by identifying a series of Life Goals, then working with advisors and teachers to shape a pathway of educational experiences that will lead to mastery of skills that will guarantee fulfillment of these dreams.