
At the FSCH,DCHM I am teaching 5 courses namely;1.Organic Identification (IDN6020)

2. Organic Identification Diploma KOUD3113

3- Heterocyclic chemistry KOUP3112

4-organic synthesis KOUM3119

5-Advanced Organic Chemistry KOUM3118

2-Organic Identification Diploma KOUD3113

No. of Students: 8

3- Heterocyclic chemistry PhD KOUP3112

No. of Students: 1

4-organic synthesis MSc KOUM3119

No. of Students: 1

5-Advanced Organic Chemistry KOUM3118

No. of Students: 4

1-Organic Identification (IDN6020)

Stage: Fourth

Classroom: H5

No. of Students: 38

My Phiosophy in Teaching

[A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning]. Brad Henry

Teaching is my interest, and it is an important part of my scientific career. I never feel more energized than after I finish a lecture and I see that most of the students have understood the lecture, and I got my students interested in the subject. My teaching philosophy is the result of my experience as a teacher for fifteen years and also as a student for 18 years in my country and UK. As a student, I have experienced great teachers as they are still motivating me to follow the same way they taught me. As a teacher my teaching philosophy is to:

Ø Provide perpetuate knowledge and inspire learning, which will help students to be successful in achieving their goals.

Ø Present the lecture in a way that I get my students interested in the subject.

Ø Clarify the subjects in a way that most of the students can understand, and bearing in mind that not all of the students can understand in one go with the same teaching style.

Ø Provide an environment that allows group discussions in the classroom. This will maximize the students potential towards critical thinking, retain the information.

Ø Link the lecture with daily life, if possible. I believe that life-long learning occurs when students can connect the information presented with daily life applications.

Ø Spend enough time with students during office hours to listen their questions, and for further explanation of the subject for those students needs tutorial inorder to understand the subject.