About Me

About The Teacher

Name: Mrs. Barron

School: Sara Collins Elementary

Class: Music, Chorus

School phone: (864)355-3226 classroom

About The Teacher

Hi! My Name is Abi Barron and I teach general music and  chorus at  Sara Collins Elementary. This is my 1st year at Sara Collins. I have previously taught  Band and Chorus at the High School and Middle School level. I have two  children ages 24 and 31.  Our pets include a dog (a chi) named Samson, and  a cat named Diego, 2  cockatiel's named Loita and Sunshine, and a blue and gold macaw named  Charlie. My  children and I love to watch animal movies  together.  Although I can play all the instruments in the band, my favorite is the flute . 

Mission For The Class

My mission for my music students is to become versatile music listeners and  musicians, to respect all styles and forms of music. To respect music of all  cultures and to be open minded to listen and learn music aspects that are  foreign to us. 

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