
We have reserved a block of rooms in Courtyard Savannah Downtown hotel at a special conference rate $149 plus 13.75% taxes and $6 fee per night. A cutoff date for receiving the conference rates is April 15. Also note that you must make your hotel reservation on your own, the conference organizers will not be able to do this for you. However, if you are interested to share a room, please send us a request via the conference e-mail The applicant should specify the arrival-departure days and a gender. We will suggest a roommate from the pool of applicants. The participants qualifying for support will be reimbursed based on the sharing room rate.

Reservations will be made by individuals calling the hotel directly 912-790-8287 at or the brand reservations at 800-Marriott (1-800-228-9290). Individuals must identify themselves as being with the group, International Conference in Approximation Theory, at the time the reservation is made to receive the special group rate. You can also make reservation on-line

Here is information about other hotels in the area.  Please be advised that what is listed on this attachment as Country Inn and Suites is now B Historic.  The Embassy Suites and the Hampton Inn are the closest of the ones to the conference place.

Here is the links to area restaurants:

and some information on parking: