3rd Grade Screening

What The Speech Therapist Will Do

During before school conferences, your child will participate in a speech screening. This is completed to check your child's speech sound development. If your child is identified as having speech sound errors, resources will be sent home with you.

Speech Interventions

If you give permission, your child will participate in speech interventions to help remediate his/her speech sound errors. This will be no more than 5 minutes a week. His/her speech sound errors will be targeted. If progress is not made, the speech pathologist may speak with you about assessing your child to receive regular speech therapy.

What You Can Do At Home

- Use the speech resources sent home with you.

- Play "Eye Spy" in the car and find items that have their speech sound.

- Ask your child to think of people in your family or friends that have their speech sound in their name.

- Practice in front of a mirror.