Triangle Rose Pronaos

Members meet in Raleigh, North Carolina on the first and third Saturday each month.

(Details in calendar below)

Face masks are optional. Please do not attend if you are not well or have symptoms.

Our Mailing Address is:

5872 Faringdon Place, Suite 200 (second floor)

Raleigh, NC 27609

Information at

It is a stressful period, we offer a profound spiritual thought and this featured video . . . 

The divine and cosmic laws sustain us in our bravery while God’s consciousness and mind in us provide us with every means to overcome the germs of disease, the frailties of life, and the weakness we have acquired. Without fear in our consciousness and with an open mind and a willing attitude to let the laws of God and nature prevail, our battle against the odds of life is easy.

H. Spencer Lewis, Mental Poisoning


The map below is interactive. Click or tap the ‘Directions’ icon on the map to enter your start location.

AMRA supporting the Triangle Rose Pronaos