"People of peace, men and women of desire, such is the splendor of the Temple in which you will one day have the right to take your place. Such privilege should astonish you less, however, than your ability to commence building it down here, your ability, in fact, to adorn it at every moment of your existence. Remember the saying 'as above, so below', and contribute to this by making 'as below, so above'." Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin 

Triangle Rose Atelier

The Triangle Rose Atelier of the Traditional Martinist Order normally meets the second Saturday of each month at:

Here members of the Traditional Martinist Order can study the “Way of the Heart”, a Western Esoteric Tradition whose teachings come from the writings of Louis Claude de Saint Martin and his teachers Martinez de Pasqually and Jacob Boehme. If you are interested in the TMO studies or attending the Triangle Rose Atelier classes, we invite you to contact the TMO at the following website for information on the studies and how you may join.

link: The Traditional Martinist Order

Contact the TriangleRoseAtelier@gmail.com for more information about the Atelier.