Gum Disease Treatment Ellenbrook

Gum Disease Treatment in Ellenbrook: Preserving Your Oral Health

What Causes Gum Disease?

Gum disease primarily develops due to poor oral hygiene practices, which allow plaque and tartar to accumulate on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth, and if not removed, it hardens into tartar. Other factors that contribute to gum disease include smoking or tobacco use, hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause, certain medications that affect saliva flow or gum tissue growth, systemic health conditions like diabetes, and genetic predisposition.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is often associated with gum disease. It occurs when the dentin, the layer beneath the tooth enamel, becomes exposed. The dentin contains tiny tubules that lead to nerve endings. When these nerves are exposed, they can become irritated, leading to pain or discomfort. Sensitivity is a common symptom of gum disease and should not be ignored.

Gum Disease Treatment Options in Ellenbrook

Ellenbrook offers various treatment options to address gum disease effectively. These treatments aim to manage symptoms, prevent further damage, and improve overall oral health. Here are some of the most common gum disease treatments available in Ellenbrook:

Professional Dental Cleaning: Regular dental cleanings performed by a qualified dentist remove plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums using specialised tools and techniques. These cleanings help prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria that can cause gum disease.

Scaling and Root Planing: This deep cleaning treatment involves removing plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smoothing the roots of the teeth to prevent bacterial accumulation. Scaling and root planing promote gum reattachment and healing.

Antibiotics: In cases where bacterial infections contribute to gum disease, a dentist may prescribe a course of antibiotics. These medications help control the bacterial growth and reduce inflammation.

Laser Treatment: Laser therapy may be utilised to remove infected gum tissue and stimulate the healing process. Laser treatment is a minimally invasive and precise approach that can aid in the management of gum disease.

The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease are crucial in preventing further complications. If you experience symptoms such as bleeding gums, gum recession, persistent bad breath, or tooth sensitivity, do not hesitate to seek treatment from a qualified dentist in Ellenbrook. Timely intervention can halt the progression of gum disease and preserve your oral health.

Benefits of Regular Gum Disease Treatment

Regular gum disease treatment offers numerous advantages for your oral and overall health:

Reduced Risk of Tooth Loss: By managing the symptoms of gum disease, you can minimise the risk of tooth loss and preserve your natural teeth. Early intervention can prevent the irreversible damage that can lead to tooth extraction.

Improved Oral Health: Gum disease treatment prevents further damage to the teeth and gums. It reduces the likelihood of gum recession, bone loss, and infection, promoting healthier gums and stronger teeth.

Better Overall Health: Gum disease has been linked to various systemic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. By treating gum disease, you may improve your overall health and potentially reduce the risk of developing these associated health problems.


Gum disease is a prevalent condition that can have serious consequences if left untreated. Residents of Ellenbrook are fortunate to have access to a variety of gum disease treatment options. By seeking timely treatment from a qualified dentist, individuals can manage gum disease effectively, preserve their natural teeth, and improve their overall oral and general health. Remember, prevention is key, so maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly for optimal oral health.