Does medicare cover dental implants?

Does Medicare Cover Dental Implants? 

Understanding Medicare Coverage for Dental Implants:

Contrary to popular belief, Medicare does not generally cover dental implant surgery procedures. While Medicare does cover certain medically necessary dental treatments related to illness, injury, or disease, dental implants are typically considered cosmetic procedures and, therefore, not covered by Medicare. It is essential to be aware of this distinction to avoid any misconceptions about Medicare coverage for dental implants.

Medically Necessary Dental Procedures Covered by Medicare:

Medicare typically provides coverage for dental procedures that are deemed medically necessary. These may include dental services required due to an underlying medical condition or an injury. However, even if a major dental procedure is medically necessary, it may not always be covered by Medicare. To determine which dental procedures are covered under a specific Medicare plan, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or Medicare representative.

Comfort Care Dental and Medicare Coverage:

Comfort care dental refers to dental care aimed at relieving pain or discomfort experienced by a patient. While this type of dental care is important, it is generally not covered by Medicare. Procedures such as oral sedation or pain management, typically associated with comfort care dental, are not considered medically necessary and are thus not covered. Individuals seeking comfort care dental may explore alternative payment methods such as supplemental dental insurance or out-of-pocket payment.

Medications during Dental Implant Procedures and Medicare Coverage:

Medicare may cover medications necessary during a dental implant procedure, such as antibiotics to prevent infection or pain management medications if the procedure is deemed medically necessary. However, it is important to note that not all medications may be covered by Medicare. Consulting a healthcare professional or Medicare representative is crucial to understanding which medications are covered under a specific Medicare plan.

Who Can Obtain Dental Coverage under Medicare?

The eligibility for dental coverage under Medicare depends on factors such as age, income, and other considerations. Let's explore two categories of individuals who may be eligible for dental services under Medicare: children and concession cardholders.


Children under the age of 18 may be eligible for dental services under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). This program provides up to $1,000 worth of basic dental work per child over two years. Eligibility for the CDBS is based on certain criteria, including the child's age and the parents receiving specific Centrelink benefits. Basic dental services covered by the CDBS include check-ups, X-rays, cleaning, fillings, and extractions.

Concession Cardholders:

Concession cardholders may be eligible for dental services under the Commonwealth Dental Health Program (CDHP). This program offers basic dental services at no cost to eligible adults. To qualify, individuals must hold a Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Health Care Card, or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Gold Card. The CDHP covers services such as check-ups, cleaning, fillings, and extractions. However, more complex procedures may require out-of-pocket payment.


Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for tooth replacement, offering natural-looking results and long-term benefits. However, Medicare does not typically cover dental implant procedures, as they are considered cosmetic rather than medically necessary. It is important to understand the limitations of Medicare coverage for dental care.

Fortunately, there are alternative options available, such as private health insurance plans that offer coverage for dental implants or dental bridges. Researching and comparing different insurance plans can help you find a solution that best suits your financial situation and dental needs.


Are there any circumstances under which Medicare might cover dental implant procedures?

In rare cases, Medicare may provide coverage for dental implant procedures if they are considered medically necessary due to an underlying medical condition or an injury. However, such cases are evaluated on an individual basis, and it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or Medicare representative to determine eligibility.

Can Medicare cover dental procedures related to an illness or injury that may require dental implants?

Medicare may cover dental procedures that are deemed medically necessary and are directly related to an illness, injury, or disease. However, coverage is based on specific criteria, and it is important to consult with Medicare or a healthcare professional to determine coverage eligibility for specific dental procedures.

Does Medicare cover the cost of dental bridges as an alternative to dental implants?

Medicare coverage for dental bridges, like dental implants, is generally limited. Dental bridges are considered a more traditional method of tooth replacement, and coverage for this procedure may vary depending on the specific Medicare plan. It is advisable to check with Medicare or private health insurance providers for information on coverage options for dental bridges.

Can children receive coverage for dental implants under Medicare?

Medicare does not typically cover dental implant procedures for children. However, children under the age of 18 may be eligible for dental services under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), which covers basic dental work such as check-ups, fillings, and extractions. Dental implant procedures are not included in the CDBS coverage.

What are the alternatives to Medicare for obtaining dental implant coverage?

Private health insurance is a common alternative for obtaining coverage for dental implant procedures. Some private health insurance plans offer coverage for dental implants, although it is important to carefully review the policy to ensure that dental implants are included. Additionally, it is advisable to consider dental discount plans or financing options offered by dental clinics to help manage the cost of dental implants.