How to create a business Fanpage on Linkedin

Create a Linkedin corporate fanpage, how to index a Linkedin article page? Why is the Linkedin business page important and interested by many people?

A guide to creating a business page on LinkedIn for good SEO - Linkedin business pages serve as the voice of your organization on LinkedIn.

It helps members understand more about your business or school, brand, products and services, and job opportunities. To interact with members on LinkedIn as an organization, you must have a LinkedIn profile.

Posts on how to create a business Fanpage on Linkedin will answer all about Linkedin. The article consists of 3 parts:

The Importance of Linkedin Business Pages

What is Linkedin

Linkedin is an extremely useful business social networking site not only for employees but also for job seekers or students.

LinkedIn's platform is similar to Facebook: you sign up for an account and build a profile that includes a brief summary or a piece of biography, work experience and academic degrees.

However, if the only thing you do on LinkedIn is update your profile regularly and wait for headhunter to find you, you may be wrong.

LinkedIn is a huge data warehouse with dozens of “dozen” important information for your job search plans. Imagine you came across a growing project in the city and wondered if they needed someone like you.

Before LinkedIn, you would have to call or email directly, or look in your contacts list to see if anyone is connected with that company.

However, all of these things are time consuming and ineffective. Now, just log in to LinkedIn and type the name of that company in the Search field, all of your contacts with contact with that company will appear one by one.

How to create a Linkedin corporate fanpage

Before creating a Page for your school (including high school) or company, you'll need to create a LinkedIn profile with your real first and last name. Site creation is currently only valid on desktop interfaces.

The steps to create are as follows:

Click the Work icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn home page.

Click Create a Company Page. You will also use this method to create a Page for your school.

Select the type of page you want to create from the following options:

Small Business

Medium and large enterprise

Introduction page

Educational institution (high school or university / college)

Enter Site, Company, or Organization identifiers and Profile details.

Check the verification box to confirm that you have the authority to act on behalf of that company or school in creating the site.

Click Create page.

If you don't have a confirmed email address associated with your LinkedIn account, you'll be prompted to add and verify your email address.

A red error message can appear if your LinkedIn account was recently created or you don't have enough connectivity. Learn more about how to build your professional network.


Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

All URLs of the Site will be structured as [COMPANY NAME]. Public URL for your page:

May have been used for another LinkedIn site. LinkedIn members and search engines will use this unique URL to find your Page.

Must contain at least one non-numeric character.

The lowercase alphabet, numbers, hyphens, or Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) Unicode characters can be used.

Do not include multiple consecutive hyphens (that is, company names) and cannot have a trailing or trailing hyphen (that is, company name or company name-). Any non-matching characters will be automatically replaced with hyphens.

After creating your Linkedin Page, you can enter more details for your branding by clicking Start Building Your Page! You'll be prompted to provide a logo image, description, location details, and more. Learn more about adding and editing Page information.

If you have created a School Page, please contact LinkedIn to finish setting up your site by enabling the Alumni tool.

With the LinkedIn page you can completely post on Top Google with the keywords associated with the brand of your company or you can use Ocean Dragon Seo Service to do this.

Tips to help index Linkedin articles on Google

Surely this part will be quite interested in you because writing articles but not indexing on Google is a waste of money. In order for Google to index your article's link, you just need to comply with the following 3 conditions:

You have over 500 followers

Posts have over 10 likes

Posts with comments

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Create business page: 300,000VND

Index of Linkedin posts: 450,000VND