Hearts Game Online

Hearts Online

The hearts card game is a trick-taking card games for four in which players strive to avoid picking the penalty card. Although standard hearts is played by four, other modes are played by three or six players.

The game was first played in the nineteenth century and has grown to be very popular in many nations. The form however varies. While it is known to some countries as hearts the same version in Australia is known as Rickety Kate.

The windows operating system provide free hearts game which you can play anytime you are stressed or when you just want to have fun. The game is free and pre-installed on any computer which uses this OS. You only need to click on the start button, select games and double click on the hearts icon to begin.

You can also find this game on online platforms where you can play with players from different parts of the world. Some sites are very easy to navigate. You do not need to download the game or sign up for you to play hearts game online. You only need a computer or a smartphone to compete with family, friend or other online users wherever they are.

You can also download the game for free and have it installed on your computer. This allows you to always have the latest versions

Free hearts online just follow the same concept as other trick-taking online card games. Free hearts use the normal 52 card deck. The cards are ranked as usual with the ace being the highest.

The first trick is led by the player to the left hand side of the dealer. The deal and the play are done in a clockwise manner. In the standard four-player hearts game, al the 52 cards are dealt out each at a time.


After dealing, is allowed to look at their cards. Each player then selects three cards then passes the face down to the player on their left-hand side. Every player is required to pass their cards before they have a look at the cards they have been given.

The passing rotation continues except that the direction changes; the second passing goes to the player on the right, the second passing goes to the player on the opposite side while in the fourth round there is no passing at all. The rotation continues to the end of the game.


After the first passing, the player with the two of the club cards plays starts the trick. every player follows suit if they can. In case they are unable to follow the suit then they have to “discard”. They can do this means they will have to play any card which may include the penalty hearts or even the queen of spades.

The player that plays the card with the highest value in suit wins both the tricks and the points. He/she is the automatic lead player in the next trick.

How to score

In hearts game, you score one penalty point if you place the heart. If you play the queen of spade you score 13 penalty points and you score zero penalty points if you play any other card.

If you manage to slam or shot the moon (winning all the scoring cards) you can either choose to have your points decreased by 26 points or to increase the points of all other rival players’ points by 26.

Your main objective is avoids scoring points. The game will automatically end if a player reaches or surpasses 100 points. When this happens, the player with the least score wins.