Assistive Technology

AT Consultant: 

Daniela Gatzke (Dani), Occupational Therapist and Assistive Technology Consultant for ZED since 2014. Active member of the Region 10 AT CoP.

Please email me at for assistance with finding tools, getting training related to AT, or data collection support.

Annual / Eval AT Consideration

Annual AT Consideration Form to meet and document the AT consideration requirement at each IEP meeting. This form will give you an emailed response that can be used to create a thorough IEP AT statement. List of tools/features you may want to consider for your students

Alternaitvely, use AT SELECT  to complete an AT consideration- creates fillable, downloadable PDF and website guides you through filling it out.

Let's talk about AT!

AT Tips List

Links to all ZED AT tips

Info around AI

With all the new AI tools out there, here is an article that can provide some guidance:

Khan Academy AI for Education course, free

Chatterbox AI, an AI assistant developed for the classroom. Alternative for Alexa etc.

ISTE - AI in Education

Online AT Tool Finders:

General Assistive Technology Resources:

Equipment loan options:

Minnesota Government STAR Program- equipment loan, demo, exchange and reuse. Loans are free, but return shipping must be covered by the district.

PACER Simon Technology Center, consultations, lending library, training opportunities. Free membership for families $200 annual fee for school membership to access the lending library.

AT info/ further resources:

MDE AT Manual 5/2019

MN Department of Education

Info about the SETT process

QIAT, Quality Indicators of Assitive Technology- guidelines to the AT process and use.

Accessible Educational Materials Navigator/ Decision Making Support has a tool that allows students to try out a variety of text supports at grade level.The AEM Explorer is designed for readers with low vision, physical challenges, and learning and attentional difficulties who may benefit from enlarged, spoken, highlighted, or re-formatted text. It does not address Braille use, and the Explorer assumes that the guide using the application has vision. 

NATE- National Assistive Technology in Education Network Handbooks, forms, tools, research, and links related to AT

Call Scottland, a great site with various resources related to assistive technology (training, downloads, infos)

Technology for HOME, an AT resource for people with AT needs who either are or plan to be living alone.

OT's with apps- Dysgraphia / Dyslexia apps, but also many other AT resources

UDL Guidelines a great page that helps you set up your classroom following universal design, so all learning styles can benefit!

AI Resources:

See videos below!

The (currently) best ideas on how to use AI with your students 

How to use AI tools to support ELL


Microsoft Co-pilot is free to use now and has Chat-GPT 4 connection

Google Gemini- also free

Playground IEP/ IEP Co-Pilot

Magic School AI (some free, some paid features)


Diffit for Teachers

Chat PDF

Goblin Tools

Elicit- summarizes and analyzes research papers

Oasis- AI powered voice typing tool

Math GPT- cheat-proof math tutoring tool

Khanmigo- Khan Academy's AI tool with tutoring for multiple subjects!

Assistive Technology Services at ZED may include:

General, short video about what Assistive Technology is and why you might want to use it.

Fun, informative, medium length video about AT use for children with Developmental Delays with great resources.

Nice video that demonstrates use of no- low cost assistive technology options

Great video that touches on the SETT process and on how to increase the success with assistive technology use.

A quick intro to

 What is UDL and 

Why do we need it?

Definition and Explanation of UDL

UDL Guidelines

UDL Engagement Strategies

UDL Representation Strategies

UDL Action and Expression Strategies

UDL Culturally Diverse Learners

Intro to UDL- scientific explanation

Using AI for teachers

The downsides of AI- how can teachers manage them?