Organizational Skills / Executive Functioning

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Executive functioning skills are mental processes that allow all of us to plan, manage our time, organize and have self-control. These skills are important for everyone to have, but are especially essential in children. When children have opportunities to develop and enhance their self-regulation skills, not only do the children gain advantage in career development, but society as a whole benefits for years to come.

I like to look at executive functioning skills as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your child’s brain. Just like a CEO of a company, your child’s executive function directs all parts of their classroom experience and productivity. If there is a breakdown in executive functioning skills, organization typically fails and gaps in learning present themselves in the classroom or they may experience emotional grounding issues, anxiety and meltdowns. The executive or CEO of your child’s brain has the final say on the path that a project follows. All other managers have to answer to the CEO. This example displays how executive functions, such as planning and prioritization, process and play out in the brain. Many brain functions must come together to achieve many of these tasks.

Cooperation is a must! As the child prioritizes his day, he or she must utilize critical thinking skills, working memory, long-term memory, visual integration, and other developmental tools to function in school. All of these skills come together and report to the CEO or in this case the brain. With direction and advice, the CEO (your child’s brain) makes the final decisions on daily operations and key decisions that affect the company, just as your child’s executive functioning decisions affect how they organize and operate in the classroom.

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Diagnosis often seen with kids who struggle with Executive Functioning:

There may also be other reasons your child struggles with Executive Functioning Skills.

There are eight executive function skills that every child needs to organize and act on the information that is provided within their environment. If your child struggles with any of these eight executive functioning skills and self-regulating processes, you may notice the following:


This skill helps your child keep things in order, both physical objects and mental thoughts. It allows the young person to keep track of things.

What it looks like if there are issues: Kids with weak organizational skills struggle with handling, storing and retrieving objects or thoughts in an effective way.

Task Initiation

Task initiation allows your child to begin a task in a timely fashion without excessive procrastination or stalling.

What it looks like if there are issues: A child with weak initiation know-how struggles with starting a project or assignment. They sometimes have no idea where or how to start, but can usually complete the task if they get started.

Impulse Control

Impulse control allows your child to think and process information before acting upon it.

What it looks like if there are issues: All children will have minor struggles with impulse control. However, kids who continuously blurt out inappropriate things or engage in risky or dangerous behavior may not have developed a well-functioning impulse control system.

Emotional Control

Your child’s emotional control allows them to control their feelings and emotions in an adaptive manner according to their environment and circumstances.

What it looks like if there are issues: A young person that struggles with emotional control may react strongly to criticism and cannot regroup when something negative occurs. The child will struggle regulating their emotions and usually overreacts. This could be a sign of an underdeveloped limbic system.

Working Memory

Working memory helps kids keep key pieces of information in their brain so they can utilize it immediately.

What it looks like if there are issues: When a child has working memory problems, they typically can’t remember numbers in a sequence, even for a short amount of time. They also seem to struggle with directions, even if the teacher has just explained the steps. The child simply can’t store and retrieve information quickly.

Flexible Thinking

Flexible thinking allows children to adjust, both cognitively and physically, to the unexpected. This is an extremely important real-world skill that young people must develop.

What it looks like if there are issues: Inflexible thinking is characterized by not being able to deal with change. The child is usually unable to see something from someone else’s point of view and is very “rigid” in their opinions and how to get something done.


The ability to self-monitor gives the child the knowledge to evaluate how he or she is doing. Determining how well you are doing as you go along, whether it be a game, new skill, or reading a book, allows the person to adjust or change behaviors to increase the outcome.

What it looks like if there are issues: A child that has problems with self-monitoring is usually shocked when they receive constructive criticism or a bad grade. They do not recognize when they need to adjust the way they are completing a task or project at school.

Planning and Prioritization

This skill helps your child to set goals and the actions that must be done to achieve those goals. Goals need to range from daily functioning goals to larger personal achievements.

What it looks like if there are issues: A child may have problems with not understanding which parts of a plan are the most important or which tasks should be completed first. These children struggle with time management throughout the day and procrastinate getting a project done due to lack of planning.

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Tools and tips to help with Executive Function Skills:


Games and Activities to improve Executive Functioning Skills:


Mindfulness (as a Regulation Tool)

5 games to teach self regulation

How to Pay Attention

Me want it, but me wait!