Zion Found Art

Welcome to the Zion Lutheran School Found Art website! Students from Zion Lutheran School have created unique works of art and hidden them around the city of Hastings for you to find. If you are at this site, it probably means that you have found a piece of art, and we're so excited that you did!

You can let us know what you thought about the art and submit pictures by sending an e-mail to mteel@zionhastings.org or filling out the contact form on this website. We're so glad to have you be part of this project!

Wondering where to find more? Visit the Scavenger Hunt! page to view a map and download a list of all the pieces that are hiding around town. TLS Found Art sculptures will appear May 11, 2018 and begin to disappear June 15. All pieces will be gone after June 25, so hurry to check off your list and see how many you can find before time runs out!

Look for this piece at the Hastings Museum!