6th Grade Exploration

Below you will find:

  1. copies of the current Edutainment Exploration packet that is available for pickup at Zion Central Middle School on weekdays from 9am-12pm, and the previous packet (3/30).

  2. recommended digital applications and resources used by Zion ESD 6 (these resources are paid for by Zion ESD 6 and require student login to Clever).

  3. additional resources that provide optional learning opportunities for students (these resources are not paid for by Zion ESD 6 and have been provided only as optional learning opportunities).

1. Edutainment Exploration packets

(Available for pickup at Zion Central Middle School on weekdays from 9am-12pm )

April 7 - April 17 (available Tuesday 4/07)

6th Grade Final.pdf

March 30 - April 10

6-8 for PRINT.pdf

2. Recommended digital applications and resources used by Zion ESD 6 (these resources are paid for by Zion ESD 6 and require student login to Clever).

If you have any issues logging into Clever, please Click HERE for instructions and support information.

Kindergarten - 2nd ELA Resources
3rd - 8th Spanish Language Arts Resources
K - 6th Math Resources
6th - 8th Science Resources
K-6th Social Studies Resources

3. Suggested, but optional educational activities and resources for students to challenge themselves and continue learning outside of school.

*= service de asistencia en español

! = contains advertisements

To view the resources for other grade levels, Click HERE.