Yutan Jr. Sr.
High School Library
Welcome to our library!
Welcome to our library!
Library Catalog
Library Catalog
Click the image to search our NEW online library catalog to see books available for checkout in our library.
eLibrary Catalog
eLibrary Catalog
Click the eBook image to search for eBooks.
You will log in with your with Clever. You need the App: Axis360 to download the ebooks to your device. See Mrs. Coleman for help or further questions.
Email Mrs. Coleman at: scoleman@yutanps.com
Email Mrs. Coleman at: scoleman@yutanps.com
Library Media Center Mission Statement:
Library Media Center Mission Statement:
It is the mission of Yutan Elementary School Library to have a community of effective users of ideas and information; and to provide a quality selection of materials for research, informational and recreational reading.