social studies - bordash


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24-25 Syllabus

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Unit 1 Content Website

Weekly Agendas

(This document changes every marking period)

MP1 Pds 1, 6, 7, 8

About Mr. Bordash

Shippensburg 2022 

Mr. Bordash on Graduation Day from college!

BS.Ed: Middle Level Education

Graduate School

In 2024, I began work on my Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction at Shippensburg!

Weather Forecaster 

My first career was in weather forecasting! I have managed my own weather forecasting business, JB Weather, for over 10 years.

York Suburban

The day I accepted my teaching position at Suburban in April 2023!

Team Voyage 

Our Team's teachers rocking out on Swap Day last year! Can you figure out who is who?


My mom, dad, and sisters with me on Graduation Day! I love them dearly.

DC Sports On Top!

While we may not win many games, you can usually catch me watching the Nats or Commanders!


Outside of teaching and the weather, I enjoy working on my personal fitness and enjoying baseball!

My Teaching Philosophy

My Vision

As an educator, my vision is to ensure that all children regardless of gender, race, ability, or social class have the opportunity, tools, and ability to succeed. To do this, I believe in creating a collaborative learning environment where students learn from and inspire one another.

My Mission

My Core Values


Social interactions and opportunities to collaborate with peers impact a students’ social and emotional well-being, as well as their learning. Collaboration allows students to work as a team, challenge and support one another, and provide multiple perspectives to generate a richer understanding of content.

Strong Relationships

Educators need to forge strong, positive connections with students so they can achieve independence, build confidence, and gain academic knowledge. Strong teacher-student relationships allow students to feel safe and perform to their highest ability.

Growth Mindset

Students need to be allowed to struggle and feel comfortable making mistakes and attacking problems from a different perspective. This allows students to put failures and mistakes into a growth perspective and challenge their perception of themselves.


A students' strengths and abilities should be honored in the classroom with supports put in place when students need them. Their background (abilities, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic status) should not limit their ability to succeed. These factors should be acknowledged and celebrated. Resources should be allocated so that every student gets what they need to be able to find success.