Grade 8

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Welcome, 8th graders, to the 2023-2024 school year!

As the 8th grade team, we're excited to embark on this journey with you. We're here to guide, inspire, and help you grow academically and personally.

Get ready for an unforgettable year filled with challenges, triumphs, and new discoveries. Together, we'll create a supportive environment where you can thrive.

Let's make this year one of growth, achievement, and memorable experiences. We believe in you and can't wait to see what you'll accomplish!

Best regards,

The YSMS 8th Grade Team


Counselor - Mr. Showvaker

ELA - Ms. Arcuri

French - Madame Stark

French/Spanish/Exploratory - Mrs. Why

History - Mrs. Neiderer

Math - Mrs. Kopp

Science - Mr. McFadden

Spanish - Mr. Ohl

Support - Ms. Devine

Support - Ms. Watson

Reading Specialist - Mrs. Page

Math Specialist - Mr. Greenholt

ELL Support - Mrs. Adamy

Emotional Support - Ms. Shorb

Trojan Intervention Program - Mrs. Adams-Dalton