Paul Comstock


  • 767-7224
  • Behavior Intervention Aide/YSHS Study Hall Monitor/Substitute Bus Driver
  • Wright State University , Political Science/History B.A. 1985
  • Yellow Springs High School 8:00-3:30

Study Hall Rules

Students in Study Hall will be able to...

  1. Work in a quiet (though not silent), academically-focused environment.
  2. Work collaboratively in a non-disruptive manner with permission of teacher.
  3. Expect and contribute to a respectful and supportive environment for all students and staff.


  1. Academic work should be your priority.
  2. Use quiet, study hall-appropriate voices. (If your voice is carrying across the room, you are too loud).
  3. Conversation/conduct should be appropriate for a school setting and a productive learning environment for all.
  4. Be in your assigned seat unless you have permission to be elsewhere.
  5. Use your agenda if you want to leave the classroom.
  6. Keep your hands/feet/bodies to yourselves, and respect the personal space of others. Physical contact is discouraged.
  7. Technology:
    1. Headphones and music are always ok as long as neighbors aren’t disturbed.
    2. Music off/no headphones or earbuds when talking with Mr. Comstock.
    3. BYOT use is OK, If your technology becomes a distraction (showing a picture on your phone to a neighbor, etc...), the technology may be confiscated by the Study Hall Monitor.

What You can Expect from Me (I will....):

  • Monitor and enforce expectations to ensure a productive learning environment.
  • Frequently circulate to help students stay on task and to monitor student’s progress.
  • Attempt to help trouble-shoot problems and offer general assistance.
  • Go over assignments in Progress Book, Google Classroom or teacher’s website with students on a regular basis.

Consequences (not necessarily in this order)

  1. Warning
  2. Detention or Written Office Referral
  3. Removal of privileges, including the use of computers/cell phones.

Paul Comstock - Behavior Intervention Aide/Study Hall Monitor 767-7224

Treat Others The Way You Would Like To Be Treated!