Team bulding activities

Call of the wild is an outdoor education center in the Brecon Becons in maes y fron swansea.Has a great view down on the valleys of brecon and swansea.You stay in an old farm house with a exstension and very nice pepol to look after you.sutible for all ages a graet place to explor,discover and conserve for the john muir award.

craet stacking

Crate stacking is a game. The objective is to stack as many upside-down plastic milk crates as possible and stand on the top. Stackers rest their feet in the handle holes of the milk crates, and the challenge is to place the next crate and transfer footings without losing balance and blowing the stack

guttering the ball

Is a good outdoor team bulding game how to play must have one gutter each the gutters must be at least half or a meater long .one tennis ball and as a team you work the ball along the getters to wear ever you want the game to stop.

ski chalenge

The team face the challenge of walking, as a team, on two planks with rope handles. It is great fun and is typically chaotic for the first few steps. As the team get their act together by communicating, agreeing procedures, being prepared to accommodate one another and thinking of the team rather than pure self interest, then results improve.

assault course

the assault course is a fun and friendly thing to do lots to do on the assault course heads up mite be (muddy)