Social Emotional VIDEOS

Understand Feelings





Happy and Sad

More Feelings

How do you feel?

Name that Feeling


Belly Breathing

Slow Down and Settle- Anxiety

Count, Breathe, and Relax

Growth Mindset

Video 1-What do you think? Can Mojo become smarter? Can YOU become smarter? Talk to an adult in your house about something you want to get better and smarter at.

Video 2-How can you learn from your mistakes? Ask an adult in your house about a mistake they have made and how they learned from it.

Video 3-Is it ever hard to ask for help? Ask an adult in your house about a time when they needed to ask for help.

Video 4- What does challenging mean? If you do not know, ask an adult. What is a challenging thing you want to learn?

Video 5-What does failure mean? How do we learn, even when we fail?