
【Jonathan Yoshimura/Daiki Kohara】

・Born in 1984, living in Tokyo, He/Him

・Graduated from Yamagata University (Faculty of Education), 4th year at Tokyo University of Social Welfare (Faculty of Psychology)

・Worked at private high schools, cram schools, juvenile training schools, Japanese language schools, etc. 17 years of experience as a teacher.

・Lecturer at Chisyukan Co.,Ltd.

・Essayist, poet, educator (in the name of Jonathan Yoshimura)

・Improvisational table-top xylophone player, abstract painter, dancer, composer (in the name of Daiki Kohara)

・吉村ジョナサン/古原大樹 1984年生まれ 東京都在住 He/Him






・即興卓上木琴奏者、抽象画家、舞踏家、作曲家(Daiki Kohara名義)

・所有資格:高等学校教諭一種免許状(国語)、中学校教諭一種免許状(国語)、小学校教諭一種免許状、幼稚園教諭一種免許状、日本語教育能力検定試験、初級教育カウンセラー、メンタルヘルス・マネジメント検定試験Ⅱ種、メール相談メンタルサポーター養成講座初級修了、アロマテラピー検定1級、美術検定4級、医療事務認定実務者試験、福祉職・対人援助者向けLGBT eラーニング受講



Essays and poems are updated daily with note. The essays cover a wide range of topics such as education, health, welfare, and art, and you can see the author's unadorned attitude. The writing style is intentionally motley, and even the first person is sometimes unstable. The length and expression are different depending on the period, and I continue to explore every day. Poetry is varied, from those with stories to those that are like wordplay. There are many works that can be observed in many different ways.


【Educational activities/教育活動】

In the podcast, "Jonathan Yoshimura's High School Classics Lecture", we are producing a program that allows you to easily look back on the classics you study in high school. In addition, he published classic grammar books "Read High School Classic Grammar in 50 Minutes", "High School Classic Grammar Read in 10 Minutes" and "How to Teach Essays for Teachers". "High school classics mini lecture" is now available on instagram.


【Expressive activity/表現活動】

Began playing percussion instruments at the age of 10, and later became familiar with brass band, orchestral music, chamber music, and chorus. After many twists and turns, he became familiar with free improvisation, and at the age of 35, he began to publish his improvisations on the tabletop xylophone on YouTube. He currently has over 800 videos uploaded. He is working towards the day when people all over the world can familiarize themselves with the tabletop xylophone. His main instrument is the KOROGI desk xylophone. He mainly publishes his activities on YouTube.


He has also published his works as an abstract painter and has been highly acclaimed both at home and abroad. He also has canvas works, but most of them are postcard-sized paper colored with POSCA. Diverse expressions are drawn using his simple materials. From his childhood he was fond of painting and from his teens he went to museums. When he turns 36, he begins his expression activities. He mainly announces his activities on Instagram.


He has released video works as a butoh dancer. His Butoh is improvisational. You can feel the folksy atmosphere in his comical movements. He has released a video of him, which is an improvisational dance in silence, later layered with his own improvisation. Since he was a junior high school student, he has been familiar with dance, such as dancing at a brass band concert. He was attracted to folk music and dance, and became familiar with traditional performing arts and contemporary dance. Then, one day at the age of 37, he suddenly started dancing. He mainly publishes his activities on YouTube.





舞踏家として映像作品を発表。舞踏は即興的に行われる。中学生の頃から吹奏楽の演奏会で踊るなどダンスに親しむ。土俗的な音楽や舞踊に惹かれ、伝統芸能やコンテンポラリーダンスに親しむようになる。その後、37歳のある日に突然、踊り始める。主にYou Tubeを中心に活動を発表している。


【Composition activity/作曲活動】

He has been familiar with composition since he was in high school, and has composed percussion practice songs, percussion ensemble songs, brass band songs, and piano songs. After a few years of silence, he started a percussion ensemble project "Suite for Xylophone Trio" using three percussion instruments. He publishes his work on You Tube. He has released educational songs centered on the xylophone. Sheet music for "Suite for Xylophone Trio No.1" and "Suite for Xylophone Trio No.2" is also available.

高校生の頃から作曲に親しみ、これまでに打楽器練習曲、打楽器アンサンブル曲、吹奏楽曲、ピアノ曲などを作曲。数年間の沈黙の後、三つの打楽器を用いた打楽器アンサンブル・プロジェクト「Suite for Xylophone Trio」を開始。You Tubeで作品を公開している。Suite for Xylophone Trio No.1 『Suite for Xylophone Trio No.2』の楽譜も販売中。



『吉村ジョナサン作品集5 大人になれない』(2024)

『吉村ジョナサン作品集4 飾らぬ夢を綴った朝日』(2024)

『吉村ジョナサン作品集3 息を吐く』(2024)

『吉村ジョナサン作品集2 春の匂い』(2024)

『吉村ジョナサン作品集1 花見客のいない桜は

































『Marine Sleep』(2021

『CRYSTAL to RISK』(2021


『A to Z』(2021)










Suite for Xylophone Trio No.2』(2023

『Suite for Xylophone Trio No.1』(2022)



