For 2023-2024 School Year:

Please check the club bulletin board outside the cafeteria for the first meeting date. The information posted below may not be updated yet.

The Big Buddy organization is a club devoted to easing the transition of the incoming ninth grade to YHS.  

Rising juniors are selected, by application, to take part in the program and in the spring attend several meetings in preparation for Spring Orientation, when the eighth graders come over to the high school, meet their “Big Buddy” and get a tour of the building.  Then, the first day of school is devoted to the “Little Buddies” who have the school to themselves.  The new ninth graders meet their senior big buddies, attend shortened class periods, learn about extra-curricular opportunities, and have their first class meeting.  

A second part of the Big Buddy program is the student mentors program. This is a small group of students chosen by faculty recommendation from the original Big Buddy group.  These mentors are trained to go into ninth grade classes in the fall and lead one or two group discussions with the freshmen, addressing questions and concerns the ninth graders might have.

Advisors: Mr. Egan, Mrs. Greenberg