Clever Log In Instructions

Image of homescreen with an arrow pointing to the user icon in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Start by checking Google

If you go to , and look in the top right corner as indicated by the yellow arrow in the example photo, you’ll see one of 2 things: a small circle or a button that says “Sign in”

Picture of Sign In button seen on

Option A: You see a blue "Sign In" button

Click this button and sign in with your yorkbearcats Google account which should be the same password you use for your computer log on (or your ycs email if you are a staff member). This should now turn in to the circle like you see above. Click the circle, double check that you see your email.

Circle with a white upper case Y. This is an example of a user icon displayed on after log in.

Option B: You see a circle with a letter or a picture.

Click on the circle. You should see your email address. If you see another google account, click the signout button and then follow the directions in Option A 

Now go to Clever 

Click the "Log in with Google" button:

It may ask you to verify that you want to use your bearcats google account. You do – click on the account and/or any “next/continue” type buttons. If everything worked, you’re now logged in to Clever.

The Google G followed by the words "Log in with Google". This is the button displayed on the Clever log in page.