Call for Presentations

Register to Present

Join the Student Spring Symposium if you’re working on or have completed an engaging project!
Register with your idea to present to peers.

The Student Spring Symposium is here to celebrate your achievements. We invite students to showcase their proudest work, including coursework, essays, dissertations, or extracurricular projects. Seize this opportunity to share and celebrate your achievements.

We are handing the stage over to you!

Registering for the Student Spring Symposium provides a valuable chance to sharpen public speaking skills, boost your resume, and exchange ideas with a like-minded community eager to learn and discover.

All presenters will be given a certificate for participation and the best presentations will be given prizes.

The Student Spring Symposium, created by students for students, invites you to express your interest in presenting at the 2024 event. Complete the form below for projects at any stage — preliminary, ongoing, or finished!

Deadline for Expressing Interest in presenting: Friday, 22 April 2024

For anyone who would like to participate but is not a student of City College, please send your details to the following email address:

Why should I present at the
Student Spring Symposium?

Guidelines for Presentations:

Duration: 10–15 minutes

Individual presentation, you present your own project or idea, or group presentations of projects you collaborated on with fellow students.

Have fun!

Fill in the form for expressing your interest below: