Guide for Applicants

Any data collected with out obtaining and approval first, is void and cannot be used in your research. In such cases if you have submitted a dissertation, it will be deemed false and you will have to face disciplinary action

This section provides information to potential applicants requesting Ethics approval, for conducting research that collect data from 3rd party participants. Please read this section carefully before attempting to apply. In most questions there are explanatory descriptions below them. If in doubt, talk to your supervisor.

The structure of the application

The application is a Google form separated in many sections. You may login to the form using any Google account, but it is recommended that you use your college email.

Section A: Applicant Details

Here you need to provide your information. Please be careful to write the correct information in the correct part (i.e. First names and Family name)

IMPORTANT: You should login to the form using your college email. This email must be a or a email. This is the email you will be receiving the approval letter. Please make sure you type it correctly, otherwise you will not receive the approval.

Subsection A1: Student Section

You will have to complete the information in this section if you apply as a student.

Make sure your registration number includes letters and numbers (e.g. CSS12345)

Select your supervisor. If your supervisor is not in this list contact the Ethics administrator ASAP (see section home/Where to get more information if needed)

Section B: Basic Information

In this section you need to provide relative information about the project. 

Two important parts are the (estimated) starting and competing date of the data collection. These are the dates that you expect to be conducting the data collection (not when the project is supposed to end), and are only estimates, and you are allowed to do do data collection outside these dates (but not before having received the approval)

In most cases the rest of the question in this section are answered no, but if in doubt talk to your supervisor.

Section C: Summary of research 

This is a criical section for the success of your pplication. You should explain things in simple non technical terms, so that others may understand what your research is. 

Section D: About the Participants 

Discuss what is the profile of the average participant, where you will locate them, and how will you contact them.

In cases that the internet / social media will be used please clarify which media and when. Think carefully about any potential risks that participant might experience: For example interviewing a person in their job premises, and asking questions about how satisfied they are about their salary, might be risky for them.

What very least you will need to have three documents that will be used by the participants:

Read the participant information sheet template carefully and discuss it with your supervisor before you apply

Are your participant in anyway vulnerable? are they children or adolescents? In this case you need to get explicitly written approval from their parents/custodians. Will the reperch take place in a school? You will need to obtain written permission from their teachers / head masters. Are the participant adults lacking mental capacity in any form? If any of these cases are true you will be required to prepare addition supporting documents from the provided templates.

Section E: About the data

How will the data be processed, stored and secured? How will you ensure that confidentiality is kept? Any data should be encrypted before stored localy or on a cloud. One way you can achive this is with specialised software. another is by zipping the data under a password protected file. The first is recommented,

Section F: Material/tools

Here you need to upload your questionnaire / list of questions. These must be in their final form, and if in the future you need to make major changes (add more questions other than clarification questions, or severely modify existing questions), you will need to reapply.

What happens after you submit

If your application is approved by the reviewers, you should receive an email within 2 weeks with an approval letter. If your supervisor or any of the reviewers have any objections you will receive an email with their comments about what to change. In this case you should follow the edit your response link in the email you got, to update the application according to their specifications and restart the process. 


Any data collected with out obtaining and approval first, is void and cannot be used in your research. In such cases if you have submitted a dissertation, it will be deemed false and you will have to face disciplinary action