York Internships

Here you'll find further information on the York Internships process

York Internships explained...

York Internships is just one of the programmes that Careers and Placements offer that help you to build key transferable skills.

We work with both local businesses and departments at the University to set up project based, graduate level, paid opportunities exclusively for University of York students.

Opportunities are advertised throughout the year and can be full time during vacation periods and up to 20 hours per week during semesters.

Take a look at our webpage for more detail, including FAQs.

So why York Internships?

Application Process

Opportunities are advertised via Handshake under the "Jobs" section. You can search via the employer account 'York Internships'.

Once you've found opportunities you'd like to apply for you'll need to complete an online application detailing:

1. Why you're interested in the project

2. What do you hope to gain from the experience

3. Why you are a good fit for the role (and what the employer can gain from you)

Then upload your tailored CV and don't forget to click submit!

Remember - your application form is the most heavily-weighted document so make sure to reference all of the criteria in your application and consider using the CAR model (Context, Action, Result) to give strong and relevant examples.

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