Workshop Day 2

Friday 7th September 2018

Room PS/C/003, Psychology Department, Heslington West Campus, University of York

Day 2 will run from 9.30am-3pm. Attendees will be asked to send available data prior to the workshop. On the day, the aim is to develop clear plans for extracting and combining data for publication. We will address the following broad questions, which will be refined on the basis of discussion on Day 1.

  1. How many children are classified as poor comprehenders under different criteria?
  2. What are the implications of these criteria for sample characteristics?
  3. Do some tests systematically identify poor fewer poor comprehenders, and why?
  4. Are changes in national curricula reflected in prevalence rates across the years?

Attendance on Day 2 is limited to 30 participants. Initially, we will ask for expressions of interest (see Registration). We will then ask potential attendees to provide some information about the type of data they can contribute. If Day 2 is over-subscribed, we will select participants on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Relevance of data to the above questions
  • Attendance on Day 1

We appreciate that some Early Career Researchers (PhD students and postdocs within 1 year of their viva) may not yet have had the opportunity to collect relevant data. We encourage ECRs to express an interest nonetheless and we will accommodate as many as space allows.