Accessibility & disability support

The University Disability Services can provide support, advice and guidance for those with a diagnosed disability, Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) or long term physical or mental health condition that has an impact on your ability to study. All students with disabilities are encouraged to contact them to discuss meeting your individual needs. In order to provide you with support Disability Services will require you to provide evidence of your condition.   

What evidence do I need?

If you need academic adjustments or extra support because of your disability or long term health condition, you will need to provide medical evidence. In most cases this is a letter from your doctor (General Practitioner), or other appropriate healthcare professional.

The medical evidence must include:

If you have a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Difficulty, you will need to provide evidence of this (such as an Educational Psychologists report) before reasonable adjustments and individual arrangements for formal examinations can be arranged.

It is essential that you contact Disability Services as soon as possible to arrange for a Student Support Plan to put in place, as this enables reasonable academic adjustments to be organised. Please note that at least 6 weeks is required for adjustments to be put in place.

Support is flexible and based on needs. You will need to discuss your case with one of the Disability Advisers to determine reasonable adjustments for your course and explore what other support options may be available to you. Your Disability Advisor can also provide guidance about applying for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), which are grants that can contribute towards some of the additional costs of studying at university with a disability, SpLD or long-term health condition.

Your Student Support Plan will be shared with your Personal Supervisor to enable them to offer support and opportunities to review whether your learning needs are being met and that you are accessing and receiving appropriate support to meet those learning needs.

Within the Department, there is also a Departmental Disability Team whose role is to act as a point of contact for students and staff within the Department. The Departmental Disability Team can be contacted by email on