Working whilst studying

The Department recognises that you may choose to supplement your funding by gaining employment in a variety of work settings. You are reminded that your primary commitment during your programme is to the academic and clinical requirements of the programme. You must not undertake paid employment at times when you are expected either to be on duty in clinical practice or in attendance at theoretical sessions in the Department (this includes timetabled periods of private study). Failure to comply with this requirement will be regarded as a serious disciplinary matter. 

The Department guideline is that the student’s working week should not exceed the Maximum Weekly Working Hours ( of 48 hours when both programme requirements (theory and where relevant practice) plus hours of paid employment are combined. Working in excess of this could result in issues of safety for students and patients.

You are also reminded that pursuit of paid employment should not jeopardise your ability to participate fully and safely in all aspects of the programme. For example, working a night shift as an employee immediately prior to going on day duty as a student nurse would be regarded as unsafe practice. 

You should notify your supervisor of any employment outside your programme and requests for references from employers will be completed by supervisors following discussion with you. You are reminded that, when you are engaged in such employment, you are employees and, as such, are subject to the rules and regulations of the employer. In such situations you should not represent yourself as a student of the Department of Health Sciences and should not in any circumstance wear your student nurse uniform.