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Online survey

This study has full ethical approval from the University of York Psychology Ethics Committee (ref: 202417). 


To refine a new scale that has been developed to assess how we feel about sensations that come from our stomach; gastric interoception.

What the study involves:

Completing an online survey which asks you for some demographic information, and to fill in questionnaires that ask you about your disorder (if you have one), sensations that come from your body, and sensations that come from your stomach. You will also be asked if you would like to complete the new questionnaire AGAIN a week later. 

You get:

-1 course credit (if you sign up via SONA). Course credit is for University of York psychology students only. In order to be automatically be redirected to the study on SONA, you must log in as a participant. Access the survey via SONA below if you would like credits:

-SONA link/title for the study if you identify as having an eating disorder : *1CC and prize draw for £50 voucher* Gastric interoception survey: Eating disorder population

-SONA link/title for the study if you identify as having a gastric disorder: *1CC and prize draw for £50 voucher* Gastric interoception survey: Gastric disorder population 

-SONA link/title if you identify as having neither disorder: *1CC and prize draw for £50 voucher* Gastric interoception survey: no-disorder population

-Entered into a £50 Amazon voucher prize draw (if you complete the survey again a week later)


No proof of formal diagnosis needed- we recognise eating disorders and gastric disorders can be experienced without an official diagnosis. 

If you are not a University of York student who wants to sign up via SONA, you can alternatively complete the survey by clicking on the links below.