Exploring Role Allocation in Human-Robot Co-Manipulation

ICRA 2024 Full-Day Workshop on May 13th

North G1, PACIFICO Yokohama

We are delighted to announce that this workshop is with the sponsorship from NOKOV Ltd.  


This workshop is co-sponsored by the Chinese Association of Automation, Intelligent Automation Professional Committee


We are experiencing a paradigm shift where robots are becoming increasingly humanized, aiming for a future where human and robot co-exists. However, in comparison to industrial settings, the human environment is often unstructured and subject to changes. Moreover, some manipulation task is expected to have direct physical interaction with a human. In contrast to traditional manipulation where objects can be assumed rigid, objects in the human environment are often soft and deformable: bed sheets, clothes, and towels to name a few. To tackle these challenges, we have to consider humans when designing the manipulation policy, which brings us to the important topic of human-robot co-manipulation. In co-manipulation, humans can assume different roles: learners, teachers, evaluators, collaborators, etc. This workshop focuses on analyzing the different roles between humans and robots in co-manipulation and developing robotic systems that can interact and collaborate seamlessly with humans in various real-world scenarios. We aim to provide a holistic, integrated, and interdisciplinary perspective towards human-robot collaborative manipulation. Hence we will invite roboticists from diverse backgrounds to discuss, interact, and debate on pressing challenges, so as to pave the way to advance the field of research.


10:00 - 10:10 Opening remarks

Perspectives Session (Speakers from Asia, Europe and America) - Chair: Prof. Xiang Li

10:10-10:40 Prof. Huaping Liu: Trust-aware human-robot collaboration

10:40-11:10 Prof. Yiannis Demiris: Challenges in proactive and trustworthy assistive robotics

11:10-11:40 Priya Sundaresan (Prof. Dorsa Sadigh): Intuitive Interfaces for Interactive Imitation Learning

11:40-12:10 Prof. Tomohiro Shibata: Dressing Assistance Robotics for Elderly Care through Human-Robot Interaction

12:10-12:30 Poster Spotlight talk - Chair: Prof. David Navarro-Alarcon

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

Robot Learning for Co-Manipulation - Chair: Prof. Zackory Erickson

13:30-14:00 Prof. Jens Kober: Teaching Robots Through Interactions 

14:00-14:30 Prof. Abderrahmane Kheddar: Humanoid-human co-manipulation

14:30-15:00 Prof. Rong Xiong: Integrating Human-Robot Intelligence for Open World Tasks

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break and Poster,  Video/Demo Parallel Sessions

Humanoid-Human Co-Manipulation & AI-Enabled Skill Adaptation - Chair: Prof. Claire Dune

15:30-16:00 Prof. Fei Chen: Learning Physical Human and Robot Collaboration from Embodied Human-Human Demonstrations

16:00-16:30 Prof. Masashi Konyo: Haptic feedback based on human tactile characteristics for remote manipulation

16:30-17:00 Prof. Yang Cong: Robot Embodied Artificial Intelligence and Manipulation Skill Generalization

17:00-17:30 Panel Discussion - Chair: Prof. Bin Fang

17:30-17:40 Closing remarks + best presentation award

SPEAKERS (alphabetical order)

Call for Posters:

Topics of interest:

Researchers interested in presenting their work during the workshop can submit an extended abstract in standard IEEE conference template, 2 pages. Please note that it is possible to use material that has already been presented in a previous conference.  Abstracts will be reviewed by the organizers.

Extended abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to:

Authors of accepted abstracts will have to prepare a poster and present it in person during the workshop. 

Important dates 

Abstract submission deadline (AOE): April 13th, 2024

Notification of acceptance: April 20th, 2024

Presentation instructions 

Selected finalists will have to prepare a 1-slide presentation to briefly present their contribution during the spotlight talks session and also prepare an A0 poster in portrait orientation to be presented during the "Poster Session".

Poster presenters will prepare an A0 poster in portrait orientation to be presented during the "Poster Session".

Accepted posters



The workshop is endorsed by the following IEEE RAS Technical Committees: 

And Supported by NOKOV Ltd.