

Hub chairs

Andrea Schiavio

University of York 

Solange Glassser

University of Melbourne

Isabel Martínez

Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Helena Daffern

University of York 

Margaret Osborne

University of Melbourne

Joaquín Blas Perez 

Universidad Nacional de la Plata

University of York organising team 

Andrea Schiavio (conference chair)

Helena Daffern (co-chair)

Mimi O'Neill 

Adrian Kempf 

Hannah Gibbs 

Naomi Norton

Caroline Owen

Rebecca Jackson

Connor Kirts (Head of the Tech Team)

University of Melbourne organising team

Solange Glasser (hub chair)

Margaret Osborne (co-chair)

Universidad Nacional de la Plata organising team

Isabel Cecilia Martínez (hub chair)

Joaquín Blas Pérez (co-chair)

Maria Marchiano (co-chair)

Conference Advisors

Mats Küssner (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Niels Chr. Hansen (Aarhus University)

Renee Timmers (Chair of ESCOM 21; University of Sheffield)

Richard Parncutt (Chair of ESCOM 18; University of Graz)

Reviewing committee

Isabel Cecilia Martinez - National University of La Plata, Argentina (head of the reviewing committee).

We express our gratitude to all the reviewers for their invaluable contributions. Special thanks to Solange Glasser and Suvi Saarikallio for their dedicated efforts in assisting the head of the reviewing committee.