Information for presenters

Oral presentations

Each oral presentation slot will be 30 minutes long (a 20-minute talk, followed by a 10-minute discussion). We recommend that you leave sufficient time at the end for the audience to ask questions or to comment on your work. The chair of your session will ensure that the meeting runs according to schedule.

All talks will take place in the Bowland Auditorium, Berrick Saul Building. The auditorium is equipped with a widescreen 16×9 projector connected to a PC running Windows 10. If you want to use the equipment on-site, you need to bring your presentation on a USB stick. Alternatively, you can use your own Windows laptop to connect to the projector via a VGA port or a HDMI connector (both are available on-site). If you wish to connect a Mac, please bring an adaptor.

If you have sounds or videos embedded in your presentation, you are strongly encouraged to test whether they will play correctly on the local PC ahead of your session. This will give you some time to fix the problem or find an alternative solution if needed.


Poster boards are approximately 2 m high x 1 m wide. Thus posters can be A0 size if portrait layout, and A1 size either portrait or landscape. If you want to avoid transporting posters long distance you can order them via York's Copy and Print service: A1 posters costs £13-17, A0 £25-27.