


尹 奎英 Gyuyoung Yoon



酒居 新治 Shinji Sakai


吉岡 沙野 Saya Yoshioka


張 力鑑 Lijiang Zhang


アフィファ ユ二ア Afifa nur Yuniar

Building is not about the look, it’s about a building that can make you feel something through the context and its contribution to the society and environment. I am so glad that now My study for my master's degree is about advanced building and Energy use, my focus is Zero Energy Building. This building looking forward to answering the global challenge where buildings contribute about 40% of global warming. I called it a concept of the futuristic building.  Nowadays architecture is not only about shape and function building to the people but ii encourage you to think globally and aware about an environmental issue while improving the well being.


テッイェウィン Htet Ye Wynn

Clean Energy, Efficiency and sustainability is the future. My study for the Master's Degree is about optimization of operational efficiency for HVAC systems. HVAC systems in modern buildings account for at 40% to 60% of total energy consumption of a building. Ensuring their efficiency and promoting for the use of alternative renewable energy sources are the key for energy security and sustainability of our planet.

松原 茉莉子 Mariko Matsubara

山村 佳澄 Kasumi Yamamura


辻 賢斗  Kento Tsuji

中村 玲  Rei Nakamura

渡邉 萌生香  Meika Watanabe


 山村 涼翔

 木田 詩音

 鈴木 笙悟

 平岡 実花

 野々村 佳奈

 吉野 遥樹

 寺澤 梨瑛

 森 まり

 大谷 唯菜

 大橋 巧実

 堀内 美里

 丸山 健太

 杉山 今日子

 鳥居 栞名

 松本 杏菜

 水野 陽基


 松永 夏季

 稲垣 友規

 清水 磨美

 石川 元也

 原田 雅教

 高橋 優佳

 福田 えり

 山根 端貴

 青山 大将

 内田 元気

 藤川 慈久

 倉又 都 

 本田 みなみ

 原田 純 

 吉岡 沙野

 中山 英典

 長崎 優