When is the nomination form due?

 The nomination submission period for Cohort 6 runs through April 30, 2024. The nomination form is also available if you wish to submit a nominee for future class consideration.

How do I get an application for the program? 

Nominees will receive an invitation to apply when the application period opens. Qualified nominees will be contacted by YDN to complete and submit an online program application form.  A process that includes the submission of a personal video, short bio, photo, resume, and reference letter.  

When is the application submission due?

The application deadline for participation in Cohort VI is planned for May 31, 2024.  Please contact us for details. 

Is there a cost to participate in the program?

Yes,  there is a "Personal Commitment Fee "of $100 per fellow if selected to participate in the program and a class tuition fee of $5,000 per fellow.   Where possible, fellows’ employers generally sponsor fellows' engagement in the program and pay the tuition fee. 

Is there scholarship assistance available?

The YDN Latinx Program may award some scholarship assistance toward the tuition fee for this program to candidates who demonstrate financial need through an additional application and interview process.  Scholarships are limited to funds generated through fundraising activities by the program and the number of participants requesting support.  

When and where does the program take place?

Cohort VI sessions will take place within the Sacramento Region.  The sessions are being facilitated in a hybrid program model consisting of one (1) 3-day/2-night orientation retreat, six (6) 7.5 hr in-person sessions, and five (5) 3.5 hr virtual zoom sessions with the Fellows and five (5) 3 hr sessions with Fellows and Apoyados, along with three (3) 2-4 hr kickoff,  mixer, and graduation events from July 2024  till February 2025. 

Total program commitment includes 21 event dates.    Scheduled Dates

*Most of the in-person sessions will take place at the Sacramento State Downtown Campus at 3rd and S Street, Sacramento, CA. 

Do participants need to live in the Sacramento Region?  

Yes - participants must be residents of the greater Sacramento Region. 

What level of commitment is expected of participants? 

Program participants will have the permission and support of their employer for participation, commit to attending all program activities during the full duration of the Program, and following graduation from the Program, be willing to join a board or commission, or enroll in further leadership training programs. 

Will the program be offered again? 

Yes -- plans include continuing the program as a permanent offering to the Community.