Writing Prompts

Spin the wheel and use the corresponding writing prompt below!

  1. What is something new you saw today?

  2. What is something new you heard today?

  3. How did you get outside today? What did you do?

  4. What do you miss about school?

  5. What made you smile today? Why?

  6. What has changed about home?

  7. Have you been to the store since lock down? If so, how is it different than before. If you have not, talk to someone who has or imagine what it is like.

  8. How have you thought differently since self isolation?

  9. Have you given to or helped others? If so, how? If not, how could you?

  10. How have you changed your mind about something since self isolation?

  11. How have your feelings changed about something since self isolation?

  12. Have you empathized with anyone during self isolation?

  13. Have you admired anyone during self isolation?

  14. How has your personality, perspective, or behavior been different?

  15. My favorite way to spend the day is...

  16. A moment i'll never forget from self isolation is...

  17. If I could talk to my past self before self isolation what would I say?

  18. If I could talk to my future self after self isolation what would I say?

  19. Make a list of everything that inspires you — from books to websites to quotes to people to paintings to stores to the stars.

  20. Write a list of questions to which you urgently need answers.

  21. Write the words you need to hear.

  22. What do you love about life?

  23. What's on your to do list?

  24. What are you planning to accomplish and experience in 2020?

  25. Inventions come from the necessity. What is something necessary that you can invent?

  26. What is holding you back from fulfilling your goals?

  27. What can you do to make life better or easier for someone else?

  28. Who is the most important person in your life? Why?

  29. What shows or books are you binging right now?

  30. What does your neighborhood look like right now? Is it different than it was before?

  31. Create a fictional world. Write it or draw and explain it. What is it like? Who is there? Detail the setting.

  32. What and where was your favorite place to go before self isolation? Why did you love it?

  33. Dealers choice! Choose your own writing prompt.