An overview of how our time together will proceed.

Friday, September 30th

After getting settled in, feel free to spend some time relaxing and/or mingling with others in the hotel lobby or other public spaces at the Wyndham Garden York (2000 Loucks Rd, York, PA 17408). Representatives from York College will be there to greet you by about 4:00p.m.


Opening Reception and Networking Exercise (Wyndham Garden, Outdoor Courtyard)

  • We know that you will be arriving at different times, but beginning at 5:30 p.m., we’ll have some refreshments available as you meet other attendees, including those within your research working group. You’ll participate in a semi-structured exercise in which you can share your topics, your goals, and get to know each other’s backgrounds and priorities for research.


Opening Remarks, followed by dinner and conversation (Wyndham Garden, Crystal Ballroom)

  • As we sit down for dinner, we’ll hear some brief opening remarks to set the tone for this year’s Workshop. You’ll also be able to continue the process of getting to know those in your working group and goal setting for the busy day ahead.

  • After dinner, feel free to continue conversations. (But be sure to get some rest—we start early on Saturday!)

Saturday, October 1st


Continental breakfast available at the Wyndham with some opening conversations before leaving for York College’s Center for Community Engagement (59 E Market St, York, PA 17401) for the day’s activities. We’ll make some announcements at about 7:20.


Leave for York College Center for Community Engagement (CCE) (carpooling and shuttle)

  • We’ll have a shuttle available for those who have arrived by air or train; we may ask those who have driven here to use their private cars to drive to the CCE, and perhaps take a few others with you to avoid an overcrowded shuttle bus. Free parking available in the multi-tier parking garage at 41 East Market St., York, PA 17401 (right next door to the CCE).


Story Time and Opening Exercises, led by Dominic DelliCarpini (CCE, Community Room)

  • We’ll start with some self-introductions by undergraduate researchers. Each researcher will have two minutes to tell a genesis story about their research and what inspires them to want to do this work—as well as the impact it could have on the field, their institution, and/or their community. No pressure, just an informal “here’s what got me hooked, why this interests me, what I’m thinking about, and why I think it could be ‘consequential.’” This is a chance for us all to learn more about the range of topics and goals you have brought with you and what drives your research impulses. It will also help researchers to gravitate to others with similar interests and help mentors learn more about participants who they think they can serve—so listen and look for collaborators. Finally, you will be introduced to the process for the “What/Why” workshops.


“What/Why” (Topic Development) Workshops (CCE, various rooms)

  • These initial sessions with your working groups will feature a structured activity in which researchers can narrow their research question, their purpose, and their audience. You’ll work to envision the ultimate goals of your research and articulate them more precisely. By the end of this session, you will also have developed a better idea about research methods that might be used to study your question; that will help you plan out the afternoon “How” sessions you’d like to attend. Use your Meet your Mentor Guide, your networking conversations, and the guidance of your mentors to consider who you might speak with in the afternoon.


Lunch and Break (CCE Mural and Community Rooms)

  • We’ll share some lunch. We’ll also discuss other ways to “publish” (make public) or “circulate” your research in consequential ways. Finally, you will be introduced to the process for the “How” Workshops. Weather permitting, there will be some time to venture out to see a bit of our City.


Round One, Concurrent “How” (Methods) Workshops (CCE, various rooms)

  • Mentors will be situated for drop-by sessions in various locations throughout the CCE. Taking into account what they’ve discovered in your morning sessions, each undergraduate researcher will move to stations at breakout tables to discuss possible methods for their study and gather advice from mentors who can share their experience and expertise, but who will also help you be creative with your research methods.


Brief “Re-visioning” and Reflection Period (CCE, various rooms)

  • Each undergraduate researcher will have some quiet time to make notes and start to refine their topic and methods toward designing their final pitches (using whatever mode of presentation you find most appropriate). You should bring these revised/developing ideas to your next session to discuss your thoughts.


Round Two, Concurrent “How” (Methods) Workshops (CCE, various rooms)

  • Each undergraduate researcher will move to a second station in breakout rooms to discuss another array of possible methods for their study and gather advice from methods experts.


Reflection and Poster Planning for your Final Pitch/Presentation (CCE, various rooms)

  • We’ll first gather to talk about how you can move toward creating your final plan. Researchers will move back into their working groups, where they can work individually (and also talk with their mentors) to begin poster planning/sketching prototype of poster that will include topic question, audience, possible impact, and method of research. This will vary according to how far along their research is.


CCE, Community Room: to end our hard days’ work, we’ll gather as a full group to have dinner and to chat informally about success stories, focusing upon how topics and methods have been refined throughout the day. We’ll also hear some further observations from our plenary speakers and workshop leaders about what they’ve been hearing, and learn about our evening interactive session on art and activism from Matthew Clay-Robison.


Depart for Marketview Arts (37 W Philadelphia St, York, PA 17401)


Evening Activity (Marketview Arts)

  • Making Change by Making Art: Messaging Social Change with Words and Images (led by the curator of York College Galleries, Matthew Clay-Robison, and Rebekah Eyre, CCE Director of Operations).


Return to Wyndham Hotel: talk, rest, socialize, do some more planning, and get ready for Sunday’s work!

Sunday, October 2nd

7:00–7:45 a.m.

Continental breakfast available at the Wyndham with some opening conversations before leaving for York College’s Center for Community Engagement for the day’s activities. We’ll make some announcements at about 7:20.

8:15 a.m.

Leave for Center for Community Engagement (carpooling and shuttle)

  • Free parking available in the multi-tier parking garage at 41 East Market St., York, PA 17401 (right next door to the CCE). We’ll again ask for those who have driven here to use their private cars to drive to the site, and perhaps (as you are willing) take a few others with you. This will avoid an overcrowded shuttle bus and accommodate luggage.

BE SURE TO CHECK OUT FIRST and BRING LUGGAGE—shuttles and private cars will leave directly from the workshop site for the return journey.


CCE, various locations: undergraduate researchers will work individually on their final posters, with assistance as needed from mentors. For those who need materials printed, you’ll submit that by about 10:30 or earlier. York College staff will be there to help. We’ll also help you to find the spot for you to display your work in our Gallery Hall.


Group 1, Pitches and Gallery Walk (CCE, first floor)

  • Half of the undergraduate researchers will give a 1-minute pitch about their work, and then we’ll have time to visit each other’s posters to comment and offer advice and encouragement.


Lunch and Group 2 Pitches (CCE, Community Room)


Group 2 Gallery Walk (CCE, first floor)


Benediction (CCE, Community Room)

  • Final words and preparation for departures. You’ll be tired, but hopefully happy, inspired, and ready for your next steps with a new group of national colleagues...