Mr. Blasquez

About Me

Hey team!

Call me Mr. Blasquez, Mr. B, Coach, Michael and Jeffrey's Dad...or whatever works for you!

I've been teaching since 2004. I've taught everything from Social Studies in Elementary School to Digital Media in Middle School to Independent Study in High School...all the way to "Practical Application of Technology" and "Classroom Management" at Chapman University. I love kids. I love students. I love coaching, teaching, learning, growing, and sharing! I kinda hope I never retire!

My goal at YCA is to walk, jog, or run you to and through your unique finish-line! Whether that means you want to go to UC Berkeley for Political Science, attend Crafton Hills for general ed, go to a Culinary Arts School, enlist in the Military...or chase your dreams of becoming an athlete, artist, gamer, or musician...I want to be there to see you smile when your high-school career is over...

...and maybe long after that as well.