

Despite the challenges of Covid, the ARTS have discovered ways to keep our students creating art, performing plays, and playing music. Lights, “Cameras on”, ACTION!


Traditionally, the Grade 12 Drama students put on an evening production for the STL community as their swan song. It is a celebration of their talent, creativity, and hard work. This year, our 15 passionate grade 12 Drama students were not going to let the way of the world dissuade them! They wrote a one act play that takes a look at our lives during the pandemic, incorporating satirical humour and parody. The play is aptly entitled, If You Don’t Laugh, You’ll Cry. This, our first virtual production will be available through the STL youtube channel during the week of June 21st.


A group of passionate senior Music students who form the Music Committee, created many initiatives to support the Music Program including the submission of their virtual musical performance to the CBC Canadian Music Class Challenge.

The traditional Feeder school tours were able to take place virtually this year, which is a wonderful way to let our future STL students experience the success of the program.

The students along with their teachers were determined to hold what would be their 18th annual Spring Concert. Although the venue has changed, the Bands will play and the Choirs will sing. The virtual concert will be available to view, mid to late June.


Our grade 12 celebrity portraits were completed in the first semester this year and will fill the halls, replacing older works of art. We look forward to being able to resume our Art and Photography Clubs when the doors of STL reopen once again!

On behalf of the ARTS Department we wish everyone a healthy, spirit renewing summer!

Ms. Carol Santagato-Davies

Department Head


The Business Department would like to congratulate all the students who participated in the University of Waterloo’s Financial Literacy Competitions. Our school earned a place on the universities' School Honour Roll, and in recognition, we received a prize of $500 to spend on classroom enhancements related to financial literacy.

A special shout out to the following students who received an Honour Roll standing in their grade division:

Evan Kazakin

Owen Wang

Savita Perera

Richelle Antonythasan

Devin Chauhan

Nia Borissova

Nicole Lau

Elon Cheon

Way to go STL!!!

Ms. A. Merenda

Department Head

Library Learning Commons:

Looking back at the 2020 - 2021 school year, we realize that we were able to accomplish our goals under very difficult circumstances. Teachers conducted their classes in a remote learning environment, and students managed to earn the necessary credits to move on to the following year. Graduating students once again were not given a traditional graduation and prom. Being remote definitely has had its restrictions. In saying goodbye to the 2020 - 2021 school year, we look forward to the 2021 - 2022 school year, hopeful that it will bring students back to STL and back into the school’s Library Learning Commons.

In preparation for the reopening of the Library Learning Commons, I’ve made changes that will allow students to work safely, distanced from others. New tables and seating have been purchased with social distancing in mind. We will also provide disinfecting wipes for students to use when they leave their work areas. Hand sanitizer will always be available throughout the library. Students will be allowed to borrow books and to use devices in the library. Once these items are returned, they will be disinfected and not be circulated for 48 hours. Safety will be a priority.

For those students who wish to continue to read for pleasure during the summer months, e-books are available through SORA and Teen Book Cloud, accessed through the Library’s web page. Keep on reading STL!

Have a healthy and safe summer.

Mrs. L. Meschino

Department Head


Congratulations to the Math Department staff members and to our math students for their first place ranking in the University of Waterloo Euclid Math Contest. Our team placed first in our zone, first in the province, and second in Canada!!!! This fantastic accomplishment is one that the students and our math teachers worked on for many hours!!


We are also proud of Fred Sun and Thomas Yang who received the following letter of congratulations from Shane Bauman, Director of the Lloyd Auckland Invitational Mathematics Workshop.

"We at the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing are excited to inform you that Fred Sun and Thomas Yang were outstanding achievers in this year’s Fermat Contest.

This is an impressive achievement from which your school, and particularly your Mathematics Department, should derive great satisfaction. On behalf of the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, we extend congratulations to you.

Due to their strong performance, these students have been selected to participate in the 56th annual Lloyd Auckland Invitational Mathematics Workshop, which will be held from May 30 – June 2, 2021. This year our workshop will be a virtual event held on Zoom."

We congratulate Fred and Thomas on their great mathematical achievements, and congratulate Mr. Azar and all members of our St. Theresa of Lisieux Math Department on their continued commitment to their students throughout these times!

Mr. G. Azar

Department Head

Fred Sun

Thomas Yang

Modern Languages:

It is with great pleasure that the Department of Modern Languages share with you the results of the OECTA Young Authors French Writing Competition. A number of our STL French students have won at the provincial level of Prix des Jeunes Écrivains. They are:

1. Lilian Liu and Richelle Antonythasan in the Grades 9-10 Play category,

2. Alyssa You in the Grades 9-10 Nonfiction category, and

3. Briana Chan and Nethmi Illamperuma Grades 11-12 Play category.

It is always gratifying to see students' efforts celebrated. The department will be featuring these students along with others in the yearbook as our way of showcasing student success.

Ms. C. Sabatini

Department Head

Lillian Liu

Grade 9-10 Play Category

Richelle Antonythasan

Grade 9-10 Play Category

Alyssa You

Grade 9-10 Nonfiction Category

Brianna Chan

Grade 11-12 Play Category

Nethmi Illamperuma

Grade 11-12 Play Category

Physical Education:

The spring weather has helped The Health and Physical Education Department keep our students active and healthy. Every one of our classes has our students out in the community doing walks, hikes, runs and everything in between. Students have expressed how much they have enjoyed being outdoors and spending some time away from the screen.

Our Grade 12 Recreation and Fitness Leadership class has worked hard to orchestrate the first ever virtual Walk/Run Club at STL. From June 1st to 15th, over 150 participants including staff and students have been taking part in a 14 day challenge appropriately named, Cirque du Sore Legs. The intention of the program is to facilitate and promote physical and mental well being at a time when our community needs it most. Over the two week span, participants will be aiming to complete a total of 40km, which was designed specifically to emulate the distance of a full marathon (42.2km). Each day, participants will meet the required quota set out for them by the Leadership class.

In addition to the Club, the Leadership class also launched a Deskercise campaign that demonstrated ways to incorporate stretching and practice muscular endurance exercise while seated at your desk. Lastly, the Leadership class was instrumental in promoting this year's L'Arche Virtual Walk With Hope fundraising event that took place on May 8th. The Lions for L'Arche team was able to raise over $700 for a great cause and look forward to growing turnout for next year.

As we go into the last few weeks of June, we encourage you all to get outside moving and get some fresh air and some vitamin D from the sun! Have a safe and happy summer!

Mr. Savo

Department Head


Despite being in the middle of a pandemic and learning through distance education, many of our STL Science students showcased their skills and knowledge in various science-related endeavours. Pauline Botros, a Grade 9 student, participated in the York Region Science and Technology Fair with her topic “A Novel Approach Towards Constructing Bioplastic Out of Natural Waste”. She was awarded a Gold Medal and a bronze medal at the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) - the country’s largest annual youth science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) event.

We also had students participate in a variety of science competitions! The Science Department would like to thank all the students that participated in the science contests: The Canadian Chemistry contest, the Sir Isaac Newton Exam, the University of Waterloo Avogadro Chemistry contest and the University of Waterloo Chem 13 Exam!

Big congratulations to grade 12 student Andrei Banica who wrote and placed 2nd overall in all of Canada in the Canadian Chemistry Contest! There were also many high achieving students in the Waterloo Chemistry contests. For the Avogadro Chemistry contest, Jason Wan ranked 1st at STL, 2nd in Richmond Hill and 13th in Canada, Stanley Liu ranked 2nd at STL, 5th in Richmond Hill and 41st in Canada and Jodi Sy ranked 3rd at STL, 7th in Richmond Hill and 68th in Canada. For the Chem 13 Exam, Andrei Banica ranked 1st at STL, 1st in Richmond Hill, and 5th in Canada, Stanley Liu ranked 2nd at STL, 8th in Richmond Hill, and 94th in Canada and Jason Wan ranked 3rd at STL, 11th in Richmond Hill, and 115th in Canada!

Mr. N. Smeretsky

Department Head

One of the many science achievements this year:

Pauline Botros - Grade 9 student

A Novel Approach Towards Constructing Bioplastic Out of Natural Waste

GOLD Medalist

Natural Resources Challenge Award

Pauline's description of her projects:

"Over the past two years I have conducted research to create a viable alternative to petroleum based plastic by processing fruit peels high in starch to bioplastic. The bioplastic would be biodegradable and extremely cost efficient. I tested different fruit peels including, banana, kiwi, lemon, clementine, apple, potato, and sweet potato. Using the most successful fruit peels, I created bioplastic products including teabags, straws, foldable plastic bags, and candy wrappers."

Pauline Botros

Pauline's Project: A Novel Approach Towards Creating Bioplastic

out of Natural Waste


The Technological Studies department would like to thank all 30 of the STL students who entered the 2021 YCDSB Technology and Job Skills Competition. The 30 students represented the second most competitors of any individual school in the virtual competition. The 10-category competition was open to any student in the YCDSB in grades 9-12 who took a technological studies course. We would like to especially acknowledge five students who placed in the top 3 of their respective categories: in the architecture category, Tiana Mantzouranis captured the silver medal. In senior coding, Ziyuan Yang captured gold and Jeremy Xue captured silver. In the prepared speech category, Amber Dhall captured gold and Daniela Valenzuela Neto captured bronze. Well done Lions!

If you would like to view the closing ceremonies and the top 3 finishers' entries, you can do so here:

2021 YCDSB Technology and Job Skills Competition

Mr. D. Nero

Department Head